OUTOPOS - A story about one man and one Earth - 2010
A story about one man and one Earth
Cyprus, May. 2008
Dear friends,
I consider it my obligation to accompany my designs - which I am looking forward to present to you - and my vision with an explanatory text. Although some designs speak for themselves, I think it might be a good idea to explain the underlying reasoning in writing. I hope that you will find it interesting reading.
Take then this speech for granted, as my designs are. I brought it up to here, hoping - as always - for the best but expecting the worst.
What would be the worst for my case? To hang me or crucify me seems impossible to me. To beat me up or send me to prison I also consider as impossible. To fool me with the votes 1 find it also impossible, as I don’t ask for votes. So the worst you can do to me or to any person with a mission, the worst you can do to a person who left his country to bring a message to other countries - a message he considers very important - is to ignore his message. This would truly hurt me and make me very sad, because deep inside me I know that my message interests you. My message shows by itseif that cares for you and at this point mostly it aims and aspires to; to benefit you. You don’t believe it? Too bad. Reconsider! You did and it is still difficult to believe it? Reconsider again! Keep thinking about it until you believe it. You need to believe it, but most important you need to live it.
So what do I hope for, now that at last you don’t ignore my message? I hope that you will pay attention, that you will love it, that you will believe in it and of course, if you have the courage, that you will speak out and fight for it and, if everything goes well, you maybe will live it.
Yes, to act upon it and live it would be the most I could wish for, although that seems even to me a little naive.
Of course I don’t have any doubts that my message deserves to be acted upon and to be lived, as I don’t have any doubts that it is worth believing in and fighting for. In any case, there are only a few things in this world that are worth believing in and worth fighting for. My message and my vision I believe are one of these few things. I hope that you will understand why.
Therefore please pay attention, because my message and my vision are about what concerns you. They concern you as much as they concern the Cypriots and the Greeks. They concern the French, the Italians, the Belgians, the Spanish and all these people as much as they concern the Greeks. It is obvious: my designs show by themselves , I think, that I don’t promote a local vision but a vision that touches and interests the whole planet, a vision that touches and interests all countries, all continents, all races and all the human beings, young and old, adults and children, men and women, even the dead people.
So what is the ulterior ambition of this vision? It is of course to be carried out, to have flesh and blood, to breathe and to live, to conquer everybody and everything with its virtues and its goods.
What is the vision I promote so fervently? 1 will tell you: I promote a social and political vision, an erotic vision, if you like, and humane vision. It’s a vision of order and beauty, a vision of symmetry and harmony, a vision of moderation and humanism. I have this vision. 1 designed it and wrote it down. Part of it 1 designed years ago and other part I’m stiil working on. This vision is real and specific, as real and specific as any other vision that ever existed, i offer it and present it to you with all its possibilities and dimensions.
Until now I made designs on paper and I made wooden models. I created two and three dimensional models, but these are far from showing my ultimate goals. These constitute only the literary, the architectural and town-planning part of my vision. My real vision is more than this.
However, what I have to offer is clearly designed and specific, but this is not enough. No creator of any design is content with the design and much less the creator of a political design. Compulsory, he will appeal to his fellow-citizens to see how it is possible to promote it with their help. Maybe the capture and the design of a political plan is a personal subject but his fulfillment is not. Maybe I created by myself this vision, but I cannot carry it out by myself. If people don’t help me to my effort, if they don’t support me or even if they support me -or vote for me- the powerless and anonymous people from one side and the eponymous and powerful people from the other side, block and deteriorate my efforts, this plan will not be able to be carried out. Maybe the responsibility and the blame are on the leaders, but the vision remains stationary and this is the worst that can happen to a vision, especially to a political vision.
Anyhow, I want you to know that I knew what to do to give a way out to the Speech and to the Vision that I believed that I had to say and offer to my fellow-citizens and that I didn’t keep it for myself. My ambition wasn’t run out, on the contrary. Alas, if the one who supplied me with the biggest political vision, didn’t supply me with the necessary dose of ambition. However, I want you to know that 1 tried very much in my country, 1 tried a lot, I tried to persuade some people -even by threatening that I will kill myself- to change their attitude against me and my claims for this or for that political axiom, but nobody seemed to care, even for my life. I claimed twice the Presidency, I claimed twice to be a member of the Parliament and I claimed once to be a member of the European Parliament -always as independent candidate-1 always get the 3/4 of the people’s votes but I never manage to be elected and to be given the opportunity to implement my vision.
You will say to me; is it possible these things to happen and especially to a European country? It is possible! What can I say to you? Do you think that I came to you as a liar, a misinformed, or a bad-informed or ...a paranoid European citizen? If it is convenient to you -as long as it is convenient to you- to believe so, do it. In any case, I owe to you to express my opinion and if you insist till the end on not believing it, it is your right to do so. I have the obligation to tell the truth because it concerns you. My truth concerns you as well as my vision do.
I want you to know that with this text I don’t bring you face to face with the truth of a conceited person who was an election-victim in a small island somewhere in Eastern Mediterranean and whose the rights were violated. No! With this text l bring you face to face with the truth of a courageous and clever person from a small -yes -island in Eastern Mediterranean who captured, expressed, designed and advertised a big vision for his fellow-citizens and for all the nations and all the people but the malevolence, the corruption and the envy of the political leaders of that island did not allow him to take the axiom that he claimed so as to carry out his vision, to show it, to present it, to advertise it and to offer it to the whole world.
Yes! You may -if you like- not see me and confront me as a pillaged candidate of Cyprus, you may -if you like- not to see me and confront me as the victim of the most shameful election fraud ever existed in the world election chronicles, you may -if you like- not to see me and confront me as the real president of Cyprus, but, I want you to see me and confront me as the creator and the bearer of a big vision who was born, who has spoken and claimed a small piece for his vision in a small country. It is not so important for this person to be a president. The important for him is to fight for his vision. If he could do it by being unknown, he would be satisfied even with this, providing that it would be effective. I wish this could happen, but his personal belief is that having also power, it can be more effective than not having and this is the reason why he tried for this or for that political axiom.
Unfortunately, the situations in my country have driven me to a dead end. The things are obvious; if I retry to claim any political axiom I will not be elected, even if people give me the 99% of their votes. If the leaders of the parties give orders to the secret services and to the police to organize and carry out the falsification of the election results, they will do it even if the same people vote for me. Unfortunately for my country law is the order and the desire of the powerful peo- pie and nothing else. Everybody is afraid and nobody is willing to face the fury of his superiors.
Don’t you believe me? Don't you believe that during election periods, where I take part, the ballot-boxes are switched or -if the ballot-boxes are not be switched- my votes are distributed among the party candidates? Don’t you believe that in every election claim I get the 3/4 of the votes and that the real gallop results are hushed up as well as the real results are? Believe something for once in this world. Believe someone. Believe me because my talking is real.
Yes, my friends! The person that gives you this text, the person that gives you these or those designs, is the real president of Cyprus, is the real president for the last five years and for the next five years. In the elections of 2003 he got the 73.4% of the votes while Tassos Papadopoulos, the ex-illegal president of Cyprus got only the 14% of the votes and in the elections of 2008 the same person got the 72.8% of the votes while Dimitris Christofias, the present illegal president of Cyprus got only the 9% of the votes.
And I tell you this; I got the 73. 4% of the votes 5 years ago having spent only 4.000-5.000 euros for my brochures, I was appeared in television only for one hour and I had only a 20-days pre-election campaign without using any poster, any advertisement. Last year, in February, I got the 72.8% of the votes, having spent only half of the money for brochures, I appeared the half time in TV {half an hour) and I had a 20-days pre-election campaign again, without using any poster, any advertisement and of course without being sponsored by anybody. I wonder if anybody has ever existed in the world that achieved so much with so little money.
Instead of being rewarded for what I succeeded, instead of being recognized by my opponents, instead of the recognition of my opponents for my victory and my triumph, they humiliated me and they still humiliate me for years and they condemn me to do nothing (nothing of those I want to do as a politician) and to be nothing. Although I said that l am not interested for political positions, but I don’t see that there is any other way for a poor human being who wants to promote a social program. From the moment I define that I have a political - and not another - talent, from the moment that l have and suggest a social vision, from the moment that I don’t compromise with the aspect that I have to look only after myself, my family and my home and from the moment that l decide to fight for my vision, then, to claim a political axiom in my country was inevitable. And if I see that my vision is big and ambitious, then it was inevitable that I would claim the superior political axiom in my country, the presidency.
I have shown my interest for this political axiom before I reach the age of 35 years, age that the Cypriot Constitution allows to a Cypriot citizen to be a candidate president. At the age of 40 (almost) l tried again but l was deceived again by the political leaders by using another way. At the age of 45 (in 2003) I managed to be in the bill of vote although they tried to put me aside. I then got the 73.4% of the votes and in 2008 I got the 72.8%. What did you get as candidates presidents, or prime- ministers, if we suppose you are suchlike? You got the 51% or the 53% or the 55% and most of you got it from the 2nd Sunday, while l got the 73% from the first Sunday.
Did you know anything about this? And how can you know it? How can you know that a poor farmer got the 72.8% of the votes of the people, while the three party candidates didn’t get all together even the 27%? How can you know it? Do I own a radio station? No, I don’t. Do I own a television channel? No, I don’t. Do I own a newspaper? No, I don’t. Do I have money? No, l don’t. Do I have powerful friends? No, I don’t. Does my country have justice? No, it doesn’t. This is what I know because this is what I was taught. For me, there is no justice. How then, can you know the truth? How can you know that the people voted for their president another person than the one he is now? Because this is the truth my friends and this is what I am trying to tell you.
That they manage and elect illegal presidents in a European country without anything to leak out they are very competent, I salute them- but this is only the one side of the subject! It is mainly about the capability of the murderers who commit the crime without leaving any trace behind or about the capability of those who threaten the witnesses not to testify or about the capability of those who blackmail and terrify everybody around them not to say anything.
How then is it possible the truth to be leaked out and how can you know the truth? They have the power. They control the police, the secret services, they have the political and governmental mechanisms, and they control the media. What do l have? I have nothing. They “fix” the gallop-results and they announce them. They “fix” the elections results and they announce them. Who will dare to confront them? When the official results will be announced, then all the unsatisfied people will run to hide. The day after the voting everybody will look after his personal needs since the system remains infallible, either A candidate wins or B candidate wins and nobody will get to trouble for a poor and “failed” candidate president.
Whether this surprises you or not and whether you can do something about it or not, the fact is that neither I am misinformed nor I myself misinform. In my country other people misinform and other people are misinformed. Because I am the real president of the Greek-Cypriots, I am the person that the Greek Cypriot population chose to govern and not Dimitris Christofias and I owe at least to inform you about this. From now and then, if you are able to help so as some justice and some mercy to be given, then, at the end of the day, you will be more benefited than me.
Anyhow, I owe to continue to fight for my fellow-citizens overlooking the fact that they did nothing more than to vote for me. Although they didn’t guard the ballot- boxes, although they didn’t react and they didn’t rouse, but, l wonder, when you have your election periods, do you demand from your voters to do something more than to vote for you? Why should I demand more?
Why I demanded it, I explained it to you; I demanded it because I knew that the falsification procedure of the common will had already been routed. I cannot discern completely their denial to this. Yes! I have my complaints from them because they did not do what I asked them to do, but I do not have any complaints from them for the fact that they didn’t vote for me, because l know that they did so. I know that they voted for me as well as I know the whole truth about what happened behind the scenes which gave to Cyprus for another five years a new illegal president. I know what the real gallop results were shown. I know what the real ballot-box results were shown and what the real results were. As you know, my country is small. I’ve been to all villages and all neighborhoods, I saw and I spoke with thousands of people. From these people then, someone would work at a gallop firm, someone else at a television channel, another one would have a journalist as a friend or someone who would be aware of the situation, someone else would have a brother or brother-in-law as a policeman, etc. in a way that it wouldn’t be impossible for me to know the truth.
For God sake! I am neither lunatics nor sick and I do not get to so much trouble for something paranoid. Let my enemies and my opponents say that I am either lunatics or sick and they have the obligation to say so. But you don’t listen to them and don’t believe them. If you want to know the truth and not fairy tales, then listen to me and believe me because it’s only me who tells the truth. I cannot know how much money the gallop firms and the media took to serve all these lies they served and still serve, but I don’t think that they did it for nothing, just for the salvation and the protection of the traditional morals, customs and principles.
Well, if you think that everything I say is the result of an invention of my mind or of misinformation or of some mental illness or weakness to see the reality, 1 want you to know that you are mistaken. The fact and the truth are that I am just involved to a powerful political system, the corruption and the shame of which, do not have any limits and which does not intend to lose its privileges. Come to their place. Would you let an unknown candidate to beat you? See how the establishment affects Turkey in order not to lose its privileges. Organized political parties all over the world become vote-cheating victims and a politically unorganized and poor candidate wouldn’t become one?
This is the truth, my friends; I simply know what is going on, l know exactly what happened and I fight for my right. I don’t know if I have to apologize for this, but 1 think that it is my duty to try to claim it. This duty brings me to your way. Unfortunately my powerful fellow-citizens prevent me going on, they prevent my vision going on, they prevent it having a chance.
Then, I want you to know, that with all these they do to me, it’s not only me the victim. Because l think that if I have and pose suggestions and a vision that can save a nation and some political or state leaders prevent me fulfilling it, then this nation becomes a victim too. And if I have more suggestions and a vision that can save the whole world, then the whole world becomes a victim too.
That my suggestions have the ambition to benefit the whole world is a fact, because I wasn’t inspired and I didn’t create my vision only for Cyprus and the Cypriots. 1 just had the ambition to start from there. If I succeeded in my country, then 1 would make my aggression and my offer to all nations with better presuppositions. Unfortunately some people, from misunderstanding about what is really beneficent for a human being and for a nation, cut my road and for at least 10 years l was tied up in election campaigns. They have neither mercy nor compassion, neither for me and my vision, nor for anybody from the hundred thousand of my fellow-citizens who voted for it.
Let it be though. The success in my country is not a presupposition to try and somewhere else. As I said I created my vision for all the people and for the whole world. As long as the Cypriots need it, and other nations need it and I owe to suggest it and to advertise it to those nations and to benefit those nations.
If there is a problem with me, then I want you to know that my problem is that I want to benefit the people but I cannot do it. I want to be useful to my fellow-citizens in a strategic and effective way, but my fellow-citizens do not give me the opportunity to do so. Honestly, what really makes me sad is not that I didn’t win and I didn’t win all these things that surround the winners, but that I lost the opportunity to be useful to the people. Because I really do have positive intentions for them,even for those who fight me and sabotage me. I know that they need my help; I know how to help them but I cannot do it. Besides, for them, but not only for them, I came to this world and for them I created my vision. Because for me, who thinks like this and not differently, there is a principle; the healthy person wants not only to help but also to save the world. From this aspect, I want you to know that l am the healthiest person and my only problem is this and only this.
I want badly to help. I want the hungry people to be fed, the people who dressed in rugs to be clothed, the homeless to be sheltered and the thirsty people, to be quenched of the thirst but not only this. Indeed I want this for some people, but for some others I want something else since they are neither hungry, nor thirsty or homeless or dressed in rugs. For these people I want something else. I want, let’s say, to stop them becoming ,as the years pass by, more incompetent, more fake, more useless and poorer spiritually, psychologically and erotically , more diabetic, suffering more from heart troubles or from cancer, more fat, etc. Because hunger and illnesses that are connected with the lack of food are an undesirable situation for a right world, but the illnesses due to the lack of exercise are also an undesirable situation.
Somewhere here my vision rests with it and I will say it with the fewest possible words. It is this; food, work, shelter, clothing, health, education, safety, happiness and love for the whole world.
You may wonder; why do I bother with all the nations or why do I bother with the Cypriots and I do not look after myself and my family? Actually, from my personal point of view, that would be more convenient for me. Wouldn’t it be much easier to accept the election result even though I know that it is rigged? Wouldn’t it be much easier to change my strategy, to compromise and to stop caring anymore for my fellow-citizens? It is obvious that it is thousand times easier for me to look after my health and happiness, for my exercise, for my food, for my safety, for my job, etc. than to look after the happiness, the exercise, the food, the safety and the job of thousands or of millions fellow-citizens. If you knew how much difficult is to offer a real health and a real happiness to a nation -also food, job and safety- then you would be right to say that only a maniac would abandon himself to take care thousand or million fellow-citizens. And you are right, honestly, you are right. Because from this aspect I am -I recognize it- a maniac and as a maniac I came to you.
Unfortunately, I cannot compromise with the lie and much more I cannot compromise with the easy. As a human being and as a politician I do not pursue the easy but something else. I pursue the right, I pursue the useful, and l pursue the beautiful. If I can do it with the easy way, 1 will do so, yes, but if I cannot, I will not quit.
I will pursue it anyway. Forgive me, but I cannot continue to live as if nothing happened and as if I don’t know anything just because this is easy and convenient to me. No. I know that I posed my suggestions and my vision in front of my fellow- citizens knowing that this is the difficult part for me and knowing that they supported it and voted for it because they believed that I have the strength to cope with the difficulties. I do not believe that there was anyone among my fellow-citizens who had doubts that my vision was a difficult one, but I do believe that to vote for it means that they believed that l would struggle with ail my strength for the best possible result.
Whether it is for my personal benefit or not, I cannot compromise with the official election result. Everybody knows, particularly me, that this result was taken out by the “gang" of the Cypriot parties, the radio and television channels, the newspapers, the secret services, the police, etc. This same “gang” gave to Cyprus illegal members of Parliament in 2001, an illegal president in 2003, Illegal members of European Parliament in 2004, again illegal members of Parliament in 2006 and now again a new illegal president and all these without any indication that this situation will ever stop. They did this before our entry to the European Community and they are doing it now after our entry to the European Community, without Europe to care as if ail these are happening somewhere in Asia or Africa and not in a European country
To let it pass by as if it has never happened? I am sorry, but! cannot. My decision to react is now mature. Let’s say that l owe this to my 317.000 fellow-citizens (3/4 of the Greek population in Cyprus) who voted for me. Even if they didn’t do more than to vote for me -which I badly wanted and demanded- but I cannot ignore the fact that these people voted for me and it is reasonable to ask from me all these I promised them as their candidate governor.
What do they ask for? They ask for a better health; they ask for a better life; they
ask for a richer erotic life; they ask for a better city for them and their children; they ask for a better future for them and their children. How can I give them all these by being a poor and powerless citizen, without any political influence and power on anybody and on anything? To ignore them and to think what is convenient and easy to me? To leave it for the next elections, for the next 2 years, for the next 3 years or 5 years, when I know that the same things will happen again? I am sorry but I cannot.
Should I stop caring for the others and start thinking only of myself? Should 1 stop trying for a political mandate since I cannot prevent them repeating the fraud? I am sorry but I cannot. The fact that I could 2, 4, 5 years ago, doesn’t mean that I can now. I would be a coward if I quitted. I cannot succumb to the liars and the deceivers. I have to fight. I have to claim my right. Forgive me but I have no other choice. I have to claim my right and my fellow-citizens’ right. I owe this to the majority of my fellow-citizens. I am here for them and on behalf of them and you have to listen to me. However, do not ask me to make any more compromises. All the compromises I had to make, I made them. If you have another compromise to suggest to me, 1 am willing to listen to it and to make it if possible, but not this one. Do not ask from me to do what is easy, because l myself want to achieve the difficult. I asked that from my fellow-citizens and they entrusted it to me. I want it.
I cannot accept the idea that I have to let the people who voted for me as their leader to be under a wrong leader and I cannot let the people who voted for my political system to live under another political system. Either democratically, or humanly you see it, this is neither right nor fair. What must be done? Will you help them? Will you handle them? Will you govern them? Will you give them the system and the world I promised to them? Will you give them the vision and the world that I promised to them?
You may wonder: what was this difficult that I suggested to the Cypriots? What was this suggestion that made the 3/4 of my fellow-citizens to vote for it?
Your question is reasonable and now it is the time an answer to be given. How did I manage, a poor person, to have such a result (because 1 succeeded, I really succeeded)? How did I manage to persuade hundred thousand of my fellow-citizens to vote for me while before they voted for the one or the other candidate or for the one or the other party? Which were these suggestions and did they have something different from the others’ suggestions?
Of course my suggestions had something different from the others’ suggestions but the main point that made the difference was me as a candidate and this was obvious from the first sight.
Which is the main point that made the Cypriots vote for me and not for the others? Which is the point that makes a nation vote for a candidate as its leader?
I will say it to you as I saw it and as 1 felt it. 1 will say it to you as my fellow-citizens showed it to me. This point, my friends -must be said in combination with the rel- n
evant political suggestions- is the erotic shine that a candidate leader has or even the people who surround him, that can be colleagues, friends, wife or anything else, but these people in my case didn’t exist, so they couldn’t do anything else but to rely on what I, myself was shining. It is, if you like, the feeling of sympathy between the people and its candidate leader, it is exactly this that makes the people want to see him and listen to him, it is this that awakes vivid instincts and excites his spirit.
Did I have this shine? Ask the Cypriots and they will tell you. They are neither blind nor indifferent. From the moment they saw me and listened to my suggestions once or twice on the television or in the street, they understood who they were dealing with.
In any case a living person, a person that makes suggestions for living persons is obvious on first sight. Who I was and what suggestions I wanted to bring across I didn’t hide from anybody. I have this point of view: the human being is mostly, but not only, an erotic being and I appealed to such a being.
If the Greeks have the opportunity to vote for me, they will vote for me. The Italians and the Spanish and the French and the Germans, even the Turks will vote for me if they have the opportunity to do so. If the other European nations will vote for their leader or for their president they will vote for me too. If the nations all over the world vote for their world-wide leader they will vote for me too. And you know why? Because, they will simply know and feel, like l do know and feel, that I came to this world for them, that I exist for them, that I think, create and fight for them. Because they will know and feel that behind my fight there is no hidden egoistic motive, but only a compassionate motive, a motive of affection, a sympathy of mutual help, a sympathy motive, a motive of support even a motive of love for them. Because they will know and feel that I am a person who can put an end to their problems and give a new direction to their life.
With my suggestions I didn’t offer many things to my fellow-citizens, nothing of the things that they were considering as important. Money, wealth, cars, etc. I would take them out of their life completely. On the other hand I believe I offered to them more essential things than these and if I judge from the real -and not the official- result they would believe it. I said and suggested the simple joys of a simple life, and I think that I have every reason to believe that they voted for me for these and not for some other things I didn’t offer to them as a candidate. I suggested and offered to them the freedom to love and to be loved in a terrestrial and humane way; I suggested and offered to them the opportunity and the freedom to live.
Neither I used half-talks nor did I pretend like the other candidates or like every official state service of the political system. Everything I had to say and everything I had to suggest I said it and suggested clearly. I suggested an establishment of free sex for men and an establishment of matriarchy for women! I suggested an establishment that would not only tolerate and inculpate sex but that would promote it and cultivate it.
Being a communist -but never an Akelist(member of AKEL, the “communist” party of Cyprus - my suggestion was clear; sex, as everything else, would be taken over by the state and it would be for free. It is not my intention to create an establishment of erotic perversion and exaggeration in my country. However, I made it clear that people in my establishment would have abundance in sex. Only desire should they have. I would not allow advances to animals or babies. I would give them in this sector freedom and rights that they didn’t have before and i would satisfactory lessen the limit of erotic adultness of the citizens. My argument on this is simple: if nature makes a human being mature for reproduction at the age of 11, or 12, or 13, or 14 years, then for what reason the society would consider him as immature for sex? Please understand me. If some people think that these ages are not mature enough to have children, I think that there are ways to make love without taking the risk of unwanted pregnancy, and natural and not natural and everybody can have a choice, but I, personally, would suggest natural contraceptives.
Does my suggestion shock you? What can I say to you? Don’t you better ask the children themselves whether they want to, whether they need to make love or not? Or are their only needs food, defecation, education and obedience to adults? What do you suggest: to exclude children from sexual experience? Why? Is sex a crime or is it a sin? Ask the children; do they accept what you suggest? Do they accept the laws you impose?
Ask the children in Cyprus which politician they love. Ask them and they will tell you; they love Outopos, of course. All children are crazy about him. And you know why? Because among them there are rumors that I will close schools and make them cabarets or that I will have prostitutes as teachers, things that I maybe said somewhere for a joke but the children spread them quickly -as if it was my real intention- to the Cypriot crowd of children, although my intention to make my establishment an open cabaret with free entrance was real and serious, very serious. I said it and before; sex would be taken over by the state and it would be, yes, for free.
Do the children want to hear more to make me their idol? No, they don’t want to. Well, it’s them who love me and would vote for me. I would get from them not only the 73% but the 93% of their votes. Only the crazy ones wouldn’t vote for me.
Do you think that the children do not have the right to make love? And what is the greater infringement on their human rights? To make love whenever they don’t want to or not to let them make love whenever they want to? In how many cases is the first one possible and in how many cases is the second one possible? The first one is rare and is intimated every time and the second one happens every day, every minute and every moment for thousands of days, for thousands of hours and for thousands and millions of children.
Maybe, an undesirable sexual act to create some wounds (for me it is the kind of wounds that are easily healed. Life goes on, time goes on and these don’t count much) but, are these wounds bigger than these that are created from an unsatis- tied passion and desire so vivid and so daily for the human beings? How big their wounds are for these they want to do and you don’t let them or you don’t allow them to do, you cannot imagine. Come to their place for once. You have been children and you remember. You considered -as children- irrational and abnormal your desire for sex or did you consider irrational the system (the whole system; the parents, the teachers, the uncles, the aunts, the grandmothers) that were the obstacle for the satisfaction of your passion?
We’ve been children before and we know. Maybe, as the years passed by, our passion became weaker but not our memory.
Don’t the children have something to say about this? Don’t they have an opinion? Can’t they themselves determine the beginning and the end of their human rights, whatever they are? I think that you should take lessons and lessons from the children, and not only erotically. You may be taught a lot of virtues and virtues by the children.
Although children are a vulnerable section of the population, although they need attention, protection, affection and sensibility, that doesn’t mean that we should oppress them erotically. We should be careful how to pay attention to them. We should have limits. Unfortunately, we have already surpassed the limits. The children hate us for this, they don’t trust us. They despise all the places where we prison them as a team, they despise schools, and they despise the system and code of life and behavior we imposed on them.
Well, what do I suggest? What did l suggest to my country? 1 think you understood it. As I suggested free sex for adults, I suggest it for children too. As I suggested the sexual manumission of the adults, I suggest the same sexual manumission of the children. As much as erotic beings the adults are, so the children are and maybe more, definitely more and my suggestions are relevant. As I judge that sex needs liberation for some, I judge that it needs liberation for others. A visionary person who advertises love couldn’t leave the children out of his plan. On the contrary, I personally believe that the biggest right the children could claim is their right to make love, to love and to be loved in a humane and normal way, exactly as their parents and their teachers and the whole world do, and the biggest present a political reformer could give to the children is this. It’s the children who feel love and deserve love the most. In comparison to them, we are incapable and dead.
It hasn’t been a long time since we were children and we know something. Let’s be honest and just with the children and let’s stop asserting that everything we do and impose on the children, we do it and we impose it for their own sake and that they will understand it when they grow up and such nonsense. This fairytale is old- fashioned, it cannot be swallowed. What we swallowed in the past, it is not necessary to make our children swallow it. Let’s find something new to swallow, something better and we ask them at the end if they like what we give to them to swallow.
So, ask them; do they want to make love? Do you want me to give an answer or do you want them to give the answer to you? But you already know the answer. They said it to you and they still say it to you everyday, they shout it in your face daily but you don’t pay any attention.
Don’t you see? They want to make love. They have the desire to make love. They are able to make love. And it is obvious: as their body grows up, their eroticism gets stronger.
So, like the visionary person who advertises love, I would be blind if I didn’t see that the most important and the most shaking point of love -and the most divine and the brightest- is found in children. But we said; it needs a little attention. On the one hand the city will give them the right to make love -with everyone they like and as they like without taking into consideration the age- whenever they want to make, but it will give them also the right not to make love when they don’t want to. It will give them the right to caress and be caressed if they want to, but also the right not to caress or not be caressed when they don’t want to. It will give them the right to kiss and be kissed when they want to but also the right not to kiss and not be kissed when they don’t want to. The children have taste and judgment and maybe better than many of you and they can handle the subject by themselves.
I repeat: the city will respect the mutual sexual attraction without taking into consideration the age. You could love the children if you judge that they deserve your love and you can be loved by the children if they judge that you deserve their love. Where the age difference makes sexual attraction difficult let the less attractive show understanding and let them flirt and fall in love with those who accept them.
Then, if you are worried that with the existence of such an establishment the incestuous relationships will be multiplied, 1 tell you; don’t worry. In my establishment the incestuous relationships, even non-forbidden, will be less than they are now, even forbidden, for the reason that the children will not live with their parents. They will stay during the first years mostly with their mother and little by little the city will take them without anybody feeling deprived. From this point on all people will be their parents, all will be mothers and fathers and brothers and they will find love, care and affection from them, as well as sex, if they want to. The degree of relationship will not be a deterrent and forbidden for sex.
Is it bad or immoral for you to love and fall in love with a relative? In my point of view it is not. As love doesn’t look neither age or race, or whether you are a man or a woman, in my system it may not look even at the relationship. The city will respect the mutual sexual attraction and won’t take into consideration the relationship, provided that this will remain to the boundaries of love until we are sure at least that there is no problem with the child-making between relatives.
I tell you: I will see this subject with open mind. Different opinions will be heard and said, but not superstitious opinions, the right research and studies will be done and then this will be arranged on the basis of what science will carry out and not the superstition. Everybody and everything in this establishment will be under the city’s control and planning. The city will see, will watch, will control, will give directions and will arrange everything with measure and balance.
Let’s say that this is the way I see the subject and let’s say that I intend to handle it accordingly. My ambition is to make laws as a young, alive and erotically capable human being for young, alive and erotically capable human beings.
If you want laws for incompetent and dead people, you already have them. Do you like them? Live with them. Don’t you like them? Come with me. I suggest to you new ones. I think I am clear.
In my point of view it is your right to have such a desire. I don’t blame you for this.
I cannot intervene to your desire for anybody. I don’t blame your erotic desire for anybody, even for your dog or your cat, but l blame your hypocrisy.
What would I say then as a reply to those who ask whether it will be allowed to 30year or 40year or 50year (plus) old men to make love with 14year or 15year old girls? The answer is clear. Of course it will be allowed. It will be allowed and you will allow it. Why not to allow it? Because supposedly the 30year old men are much-o-men and supposedly they have big penis? What can I say to you? However, I see many 15year, or 16year old men -and 15year and 16year old girls too- who are more much-o than many 30year or 40year old men. And whether the 30year or the 40year old men have big penis, ask the sexologists and they will tell you: excluding the child hood, the size of the penis depends neither on the age nor on the physical formation. There are many young people who have bigger penis than many adults have as well as there are many tiny people who have bigger penis than many big in size people. It’s on the talent. Does anyone know what’s going on? I generally believe that no man in the world has such a big penis so as to make damage to its accepter.
In the matter of speaking, every girl can estimate the situation by itself. She can estimate the weight of the body and the size of the penis of every man she has in front of her (the city can provide her with everything she needs for this) and if she judges that someone has such a big penis that can make damage to her, then she can tell him to test it first to his ass and if he it doesn’t harm him, then to let him test it to hers. It depends on her, whether she will make love with someone or not and according to the person she has in front of her, she gives her “yes” or her “no". If she wants, she makes love and if she doesn’t want, she doesn’t make.
Rapes will not be allowed. So, all who are tempted take it into consideration, although I would like to make some comments on this subject, because rape from
rape differs. For me, the real rape is when the rapist makes real damage to his sexual object and this definitely will be punished. Considering the size of the damage and if this is his first, or his second or his third attempt, but the city will make clear that it won’t allow any extreme situations. The city will offer to everybody the possibility to be erotically abundant, yes, but if some people interpret it as its weakness or as its inclination to brutalities and acts of violence, then they will be surprised from its reaction.
As far as the other kind of rape is concerned, the mild one, where the ‘rapist’ pushes a little his sexual object so as to sweep it away to his passion, this, I don’t consider as rape, even if it is imposed on a girl or even if it wasn’t a desirable -or undesirable- experience. If it was over without doing any harm, then it doesn’t matter. Is it over? You are welcome to it. We go on. Let her hope to nicer experiences. Life goes on. We will not put into jail a person because he desired someone else so much that he lost control. We will let it pass. We will not make the flea a camel because some people want to make a case out of nothing.
What I am asking from women is to be strict in the matter of reproduction. In this matter, they have to choose to have children with whom they decide to and not with someone whom they will sexually erect.
Maybe I provoke reactions to some people with my thoughts but this doesn’t bother me. I will express my opinion without fear. For me, a sexual act, even a little violent or an undesirable one doesn’t leave neither wounds nor any trauma but only some bitterness or bad memory that will be easily overcome. All these theories about psychological wounds that follow you the rest of your life are only exaggerations and nonsense. Simply, some women who don’t have balance in their life and they don’t manage to control the situation, in their effort to find excuses for this, they search in their past to find whom or what to blame. And what’s the easiest thing to say that it is this or that? But is it true? Do you think that an -even undesirable and violent- erotic experience during someone’s childhood or adolescence can be fatal and catastrophic for the rest of her life? Was her “rapist” so awful and disgusting? Was he a monster? And really, didn’t she feel anything? Or she felt when she felt and then she was ashamed for this, so she considered that with an accusation against her “rapist”’, her “sin” or her weakness will be forgiven?
I wonder how many women who make love for money have the desire to make love with this or that man? Aren’t they psychologically wounded when they make love with an undesirable man or are they healed by the money that they take from the “customer"? Go and find the way out. I insist on asserting that much more psychological wounds exist due to an undesirable sexual abstention and inactivity than due to an undesirable erotic relationship or act. Some events we forget in one, two, three or four days. Will we remember an undesirable sexual act that happened 10, 20 or 30 years ago? Is it possible? Why should we? Is it still inside us? Didn’t it come out?
In one aspect I wish our memory could be so strong to keep alive all our vivid experiences from the distant past because together with the bad experiences there will be and the good ones. They must exist.
Unfortunately -or fortunately, if you prefer- the human memory is not so strong. Because if it were, we would cry every day for lost loves, for loved ones who stopped being loved ones, for friends who stopped being friends etc. Shakespeare wrote: Eyes that are not seen are quickly forgotten. And 1 add: words that are not heard, they are forgotten too. Acts and experiences that are not repeated, they are also forgotten, ail are forgotten. Sometimes fortunately, sometimes unfortunately, but that is how it is. Great Solomon had a ring on which two words were written: everything passes. For some people don’t they pass? And they don’t really pass or due to the professional obligations of some people is convenient the opposite to be spread out? Doesn’t time function as medicine for some people? Doesn’t life go on for them? Doesn’t oblivion exist for them? Let’s be serious and let’s be honest. One way or the other, the truth is that violence is part of life and it has of course its scales. A little violence, a little pressure, a little force or a small push didn’t hurt anybody. An exceptional desire is better than a civilized indifference. A civilized and balanced violence can be useful and can be a very good antidote to shame, to fear and to irresolution that somebody may have not only for love but also for other matters. Let’s be a little tolerant with our fellow-citizens’ desire and who knows? Maybe we soon need their tolerance. The important is to be cool, to see clearly, to be fair in our judgment, to know what we want and what we pursue and to keep always the balances.
There is no way things could get out of control since the new establishment will tolerate neither insane people, nor drunks or drug-users, in this respect my establishment will be open, liberal and generous but it will be strict too. It can overlook a little improper behavior or some abnormal situations but it will make clear to everybody, that children and adolescents like everybody else will have the right to make love - if they want to and with everybody they like - but they will also have the right not to make love if they don’t want to. That everybody must understand well. People will have a rich sexual life but it will be in the boundaries the new establishment will impose. No less attention, measures, logic and discipline will be demanded and the city will remind them of this every day. To nobody will be allowed to go beyond the limits. I would give freedom, yes, where I judged that it functions positively, but never anarchy. But even with or without erotic discipline ,
I think that erotic horizons of people get much wider.
As men, let’s suppose that you who read this text are men, wouldn’t you support such an establishment? Wouldn’t you vote for the candidate who suggests such an establishment? Do you think that I am wrong to believe that the majority of the men voted for me?
Then, what would you say if you were women and you had my suggestions in front of you? What suggestions did I have for them? I had suggestions for Matriarchy and good-seed selection, for an establishment where the woman
would be free -and at the same time obliged- to satisfy sexually enough men but also where she would have the absolute and undisputed right to breed the sperm of the most handsome, healthy and capable from any aspect men, meaning that marriage and family as institutions will be abolished. Nobody would have the obligation to live to the same “cage” with the same person for five, ten, twenty, thirty, forty or fifty years. In a word, I said to my fellow-citizens that things can work out in another way too, that people can make love and have children without getting married and nobody to accuse them for this.
What were my suggestions for the women? I think that they were the best ever suggested to women. I think that they were suggestions coming from the sky. Think about it and let me know how you would see it if you were a woman. Don’t you think that they are convenient to you and very convenient indeed?
Do you think that I am wrong when I believe that the majority of the women voted for me too? Ask as many men and women as you like. The majority will make you understand that what men want is the same with what women want. What will a woman offer to a man with whom she lives for 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 years and what will a man offer to a woman with whom he lives for 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 years? Come on now! We’ve been husbands and you’ve been too. So, let’s be honest. It is well known what we all want, men and women, young and old. We all want change in our sexual relationships. We want renewal of our sexual life. Because the change of our sexual companion and the renewal of our sexual life is a need for the human being and I suggested exactly an establishment where this need would be satisfied without anyone to get hurt. A bit of bitterness might be given from A to B or from D to E, but under other presuppositions it might be given from B to A or from E to D and so on. It’s a matter of time when this or that would happen. Any bit of bitterness would be overcome since the new establishment would teach them all to live and function in a different way. The new establishment would suggest, advertise and impose the change and the renewal of our sexual companions and it wouldn’t simply tolerate it.
But you will say; did I really get the majority of the voters just with some sexual suggestions? Of course not! I didn’t get the majority just with some sexual suggestions, although l believe that from the moment I was addressed to a preeminently erotic being, these suggestions influenced a lot their decision but not completely.
At the same time I had of course suggestions for health. I was very clear to this too; that health is the most valuable thing in life and that without health neither food nor water or the oxygen or life even love, matter.
If there is someone who has real suggestions for a real health, it is something that is obvious. The human being who has a real health and that shows that can as a leader offer it to his fellow-citizens, it is also obvious. What I suggested and I still suggest was exactly the same with which I live myself too. I suggested a diligent system of good habits that would start from the first awakening and would end to the next one, a system that would include daily running or walking for 2V2-3 hours, swimming for 21/2-3 hours too, 4-5 hours handcraft, the relevant lunches or breaks and the relevant sleep.
How did I come up to this conclusion? How else than by experimenting! And how can you check whether l am right or not? How else than by experience! There is no other way.
Do I seem to you that I am a masochist or a sadist who wants to torture himself and his fellow-citizens putting them to unjustified and exaggerating hard work? Or am I someone with super muscular powers? I wish l were, but I am not. I am like you.
What I was taught as a muscular being is that a human being can do almost everything with muscular-means. And fortunately it is like this because only then we have a hope that we will save the environment. For me, the muscle can be the best protection shield of the nature.
I myself was surprised when I realized that my experiment drove me to this conclusion but I didn’t refuse its uprightness. I simply coped with it and I try to live with it. Nevertheless it is the only way to be self-supported as a muscular being. Because if I don’t do these and if you don’t do these either, then either cigarettes you will desire -and me and you- or alcohol, or pills, or drugs, operations for this or for that, etc. and you will become a pathetic and early old-aged little man, who will deserve to die rather than to live.
Should I complain for this to my Creator or should you consider that I exaggerate?
I told you; I don’t exaggerate. Although I didn’t expect this result, my final thought was almost this; if my Creator made me capable of so much work and physical exercise and not for less, then l think that it is wiser to thank him for this than to complaint.
What do I earn from this? I can do much work without needing any machines, I can cover enough distance without needing any vehicles, and this means savings and health for me and for my place.
What may my fellow-citizens earn from this? What may the city and my country earn from this? It may also do many kinds of work with muscular means, people or materials may be transferred with muscular means and so with the use of their muscles, people will earn in health and they will save fuel for machines or vehicles that can help people in other works where it is difficult or waste of time to do by themselves in a muscular way, the environment will be protected etc. If the working places and the resident places are put in a right way, then, a whole city would function with the fruits of the earth as fuel and nothing more. From the moment that a city will be built right together with the relevant agricultural housing, then, with the equal and by turn’s work of all unexception ally the citizens, this city would produce everything -even its electricity- almost exclusively with muscular means.
If you really care for the environment and for the people and if you really want to do something good for them, then I think that you ought to listen, to pay attention and to bow to my suggestion. As you see, I don’t simply propose ecological or economic cars. In the meantime, 20.000 or 200.000 ecological cars can make the same or more damage to the environment than 10.000 or 100.000 non-ecological cars can. What I suggest is ecological and economic cities and ecological and economic countries. I suggest cities that will not need cars. I suggest cities and countries that will make almost everything in a muscular way and that they will hold back the technology from manufacturing devices and tools that will function with muscular means.
The measure for the withdraw of the old and filthy cars and their replacing with new is good of course- always under presuppositions- but without the withdraw of the old and filthy cities and their replacing with new and friendly to the man and the environment cities, the good it can do is very small.
Believe me; these are what l almost said to my fellow-citizens during my political fights. I didn’t make up theories to impress you that I care for this or for that. No. This was my main subject for three decades now and I know that I fought with all my strength for this. I prepared my vision for much worse situations, but I prefer to let these outside my text. Nevertheless, what I was interested in and what I judged that my fellow-citizens were interested in, was shown through my words and through my texts and through my designs and -believe me again- the people saw them and understood them. They were obvious. If I was caring for the health and the happiness of my fellow-citizens, it was shown through my suggestions. If I was caring for the environment, it was shown through my suggestions too. If I was caring for the establishment of a real political order and harmony it was also shown and if I was expressing and representing a real political word, it was shown too.
What alternatives did my political opponents have to suggest? None, absolutely none! Every claimer of this or that political power - and not only in my country but almost all over the world - doesn’t really have anything to suggest that is worthwhile. If he manages to fulfil! his aim he will not be more than under the power of a catastrophic for the human being and the environment system and he will say or do nothing to change the situation, nothing new and nothing useful. The new and the useful in my country were suggested only by me and the luck I had, I’ve already announced to you. The people voted but the state and the political leaders falsified their votes, keeping under their control every power.
My opinion is that there is no nation all over the world -provided that it isn’t completely barbarian- that would resist to such suggestions. I told you about my suggestion l had about love, a suggestion that was showing that l care for the pleasure and happiness of my fellow-citizens. I told you about my suggestion I had about health, a suggestion that was also showing that l care for the health of my fellow-citizens. It was showing that I have knowledge of what exactly gives a real health to people and that in this main subject I wouldn’t give half-solutions but l would give radical solutions and I would impose an establishment that would face preventively every illness and it would make hospitals and cigarettes and alcohol and medicine and drugs useless for people.
In my suggestions though, it wasn’t only these. Together with these suggestions I had posed in front of my fellow-citizens the best city plan ever captured by a human being. And this wasn’t any city. The city I designed and I’ve seen it in design since 1996 was the city of Apocalypses, a symmetrical city, a square city with the same length and width but without the same height and without of course the dimensions it determines. Let’s say that I made some corrections, which I passed -where I judged it was right- the Apocalypses and l gave the design of a city in the measures of human muscles, a city that you can run it, walk it, swim it without needing any vehicle for your movements in it, even any bicycles. The dimensions and the arrangement of this city were the result of the experiments I made on my muscles. Finding the movement I needed to be healthy, I went on designing a city in the measures of the human being, a city that will have such dimensions and arrangement that would help in carrying out all its physical duties and needs.
I tell you that it wasn’t an easy matter although, it was in my measures. To give to people the right city was a big challenge for me. I saw and l handled it as a personal matter, at least up to a point. Either in a difficult or an easy way, I knew that this was my subject and l had the obligation to give a solution sooner or later, easily or not. Whether I made it or not, you can see it. The design is already at your hands.
What do you think? Do you think my design is good but maybe you don’t consider that it is realizable? And why is that? Which is the difficulty in its realization? As long as I think of it, what I see is that only the lack of strong will make it difficult to be carried out.
What do l ask from you to do? What cities do I ask from you to build? Do I ask you to build very big and enormous cities or cities with very high buildings? What do I ask from you? See first what cities you have; enormous, huge, vast, incoherent, with 10, 20 and 30 floor-buildings, cities with a population of million people, cities without shape and without boundaries, cities that exist and function catastrophically for the human being and its environment and that every year will function more and more catastrophically.
What do I suggest? First I suggest for the city a shape from the beginning. I suggest boundaries from the beginning. It is stupid for you to allow the uncontrolled arrangement and its uncontrolled extent. Put the buildings in rows and the rows in zones to help the muscles in the fulfillment of their duties. Use during construction, Mathematics and Geometry. Don’t make it dirty and don’t make it difficult for those who chose to live in it. Don’t transform the place that it should be the best to live in, to be the worst.
What dimensions do I suggest for my city? I suggest the 4.5 km length and width, a city where the distance from the center till its most far away point will be only 3 km. And as far as the population is concerned, I suggest 144.000 for the city and 96.000 for the country, a population of 240.000 habitants. I suggest, in two words, a city neither big nor small. I suggest a medium in extent and in population city, a city friendly for the human being and its environment, a city that will be the measure, the harmony and the indication point for the thing called civilization.
What equal-worthy had my opponents to show and suggest during the presidential elections of 2003 and what had my opponents to show and suggest during the presidential elections of 2008? What equal-worthy had Tassos Papadopoulos or Glavkos Klerides to suggest in 2003 and what equal-worthy had Giannakis Kassoulides or Dimitris Christofias or Tassos Papadopoulos -again- had to suggest in 2008? It is obvious almost to everybody: in comparison to what I suggested, they had absolutely nothing to suggest. Whatever they suggested, whatever they did it was obvious that they were simply perpetuating and cementing chaos, ugliness, social inequality, corruption and political paranoia.
For the people there were from one side two or three party candidates who had absolutely nothing good to suggest for the people, candidates that people got tired of and that it is well-known to everybody that what they were interested in was their appearance and the “seat”, people made of wood, vein and without substance and on the other side there was a candidate with a sparkling spirit, a candidate who challenges you to see him and listen to him, a candidate who in his silence and his inaction still provokes the curiosity and the interest of all and that he is always noticeable, a candidate who moves like storm and from wherever he passes is a subject for the news, a candidate who in his -even few- television appearances he gathers almost the 100% of the spectators (and not because he “sells madness” but prudence and courage), a candidate who is loved by the whole population, a candidate with open mind, with knowledge on his matter, a candidate with liberal suggestions wherever appropriate but also conservative where necessary.
He made it clear where he would handle a matter with flexibility or he would not. He didn’t intend to compromise in health matters for instance. To this matter he was clear; he would impose -if it was necessary by all means- anything that knowledge, experience and logic say that is useful to people and he would forbid anything that the same knowledge, the same experience and the same logic say that is harmful to people. He doesn’t hide his intentions. If he claims this or that axiom he does it to become useful to his feliow-citizens, to become useful to their hearts, to their stomachs, to their heads, to their teeth, to their eyes and to everything.
This is how he was seeing his role as a politician and he was expressing himself accordingly. The young people wouldn’t determine his policy, these young people who are excited with his suggestions about free love but who want the free use of drugs too.
Of course the latter would not be permitted. I suggested and I still suggest free love because I judge that -under certain conditions and presuppositions - it may be useful to people biologically, psychologically, socially, financially and politically, but I will never give the freedom to anybody to smoke or to have drugs or drink alcohol because I judge that the use of the cigarette, of the alcohol and of the drugs harms people and I consider it my duty as a politician to prevent them from anything that harms them.
How would I do it? Simply they wouldn’t take them because they wouldn’t find them anywhere; I, as a politician, could give to them other replacements and l would give them these.
What are they? What else except from muscular exercise and work of course? When a human being takes the right doses of muscular exercise and work, then neither cigarette nor alcohol or drugs will ever need.
With my suggestions I didn’t intend to flatter anyone. Such were my suggestions: radically liberal in some aspects, strictly conservative in others. If people voted for me supporting my liberal views they also voted for the conservative aspects of my proposals. As far as they judge that I am too strict to the second matter, but if they think about it they will judge at the end that I know what I am doing and I am doing it for their sake and for the sake of their city and that they wouldn’t be excused if they had complaints, if I made them not to need all these that everybody knows that they give them only a temporary solution to a problem that is due to the lack or the absence of muscular exercise and work.
I know that with my suggestions I would intervene and deprive them of their human rights but l see things differently. In my opinion, the most important human right is the right of happiness and the right of health. It is the right of the people who came to live in this world under the best circumstances for their health and the right of the people who will come to live under the best circumstances too.
How then can I protect -because as a politician who looks forward, I owe to do- the right of the new generations that will come to live in this world under the best circumstances of health when 1 allow to the present generations to smoke, to drink alcohol, to take drugs, not to do sports, not to use their muscles for work and to do everything that might harm them? What kind of people would I hand over the world to? Do you think that it is fair to allow new people to come in this world burdened with the heart attacks, diabetes, cancer, ulcers or psychosis inherited from their fathers or grandfathers, or should we do our best to avoid them? What do you say?
Do my suggestions seem paradox to you? But these are for you and for everybody. These are and these were my suggestions, whether some judge that they violate this or that right, or not.
If you consider it well I hope you will see that all these together compose a political vision that can save the human being and the world from one edge to the other, a vision that can give health, safety, order and happiness to the nowaday generations and perspective to the next ones. So, do you think that my fellow-citizens didn’t understand ail these or that only a small minority understood them? No, my friends, they understood them. Almost everybody understood them and almost everybody voted for them. I insist on asserting that every nation is able to understand such a vision and such suggestions. They were more simple and clear than any prior political suggestions and fortunately 1 had the opportunity to present them to the public. A nation must be completely insane to reject such suggestions and the Cypriots, -I tell you- are not. They are definitely cowards -and 1 blame them for this- but they are neither stupid nor blind. Their election duty against the vision and the suggestions I posed in front of them, they did it as every other nation would do. No nation would reject such a vision. Nobody would vote for chaos and ugliness when everybody had the possibility to vote for order and beauty. No one would vote for a hell when everybody had the possibility to vote for a paradise. No one would vote for a Christofias when he had the possibility to vote for an Outopos and no one would vote for a Russian peasant when he had the possibility to vote for a Greek god.
The thing is simple and obvious. I told you and I showed it to you. To hope to the restoration of the truth and justice is vein. Unfortunately for my country no one cares for truth and justice if it is no convenient for him and if it doesn’t raise him, socially and financially. Unfortunately, the people who could help me have been bribed or threatened enough so as to hide the truth. Here and then they would perform some scandal but never such a scandal.
And how wili they dare or how will they think to do it when with this or that way they have already become part of the scandal? Nobody can hear someone shouting in the desert, as the proverb says. It’s no use. I must bear it and maybe look somewhere else to find my right. I see that here I lose my time. Unfortunately for me,for my country and my fellow-citizens - and I believe for the whole world - Pharisee and the hypocrites won, liars, thieves, and crooks won, the outlaws and the deceivers won, although it’s me who is the real winner and the real president, it’s me the straight, the sincere, the honest and the clear one but I am buried, 1 am humiliated and cheapened for once more.
I toid you before what percentage I got from the Greek-Cypriots: 1 got 72.8%. What did the leaders give me? They gave me 0.24%. That means in effect nothing. What percentage did Dimitris Christofias get? He got 9%. What did he get in the second round when his only opponent was loannis Kassoulides? He got 23%. And what did loannis Kassoulides get? He got 21%. Who got the remaining 56%? Who do you think got the majority? I got it even if I was not on the ballot-paper. Because this is the truth and I tell it because l learned it, no matter from whom and how l learned it. The 56% of the Greek-Cypriots voters canceled their ballot-paper. They wrote “Outopos” on it and they put it into the ballot-box because this was what l asked from them until Friday, at least. On Saturday I was saying something else, but meanwhile the majority had taken the first message and had transferred it to every direction.
This is the truth, my friends. Cyprus voted for me and not for Dimitris Christofias. And it voted for the left wing but not Dimitris Christofias. Because the left wing, the real left wing I was representing and not Dimitris Christofias. Go back to the declarations that both made and you wili learn it.
Now, what kind of left wing I suggested, this needs explanation. For this reason I consider that I must talk about this for not being misunderstood and for not being misinterpreted and now I think it’s the time.
I know that the opinion that is spread for years by the political leaders of the world is that the left wing (communism) is an out-of-date and old-fashioned ideology that has been tested and completely failed. The phenomena show that some people who say this are right, but often the phenomena are deceptive. I know that the communism is a difficult undertaking and a difficult system. Anarchy is a thousand times easier, because at least it has all the possibilities to succeed since at its failure it is theoretically successful. In my opinion what it failed to the soviet undertaking is exactly this model, with these and those specific people as its fulfillers, with these and those specific conditions and with these and those specific data. That it had good points, it definitely had, but it also had bad points. I will not enter to details. I didn’t live it in person and I don’t know it well. What I know best is what I have inside me. What I have inside me is what I suggest and this I know that it is a different and new model of communism.
Points from the old models of communism it inevitably has, but it also has new points. This model I polished up for so many years, this 1 express, this I advertise, this I suggest and this I have the ambition to fulfill.
Is this undertaking difficult? Undoubtedly it is difficult, but this is not a good reason to prevent me trying, on the contrary, because difficulties challenge me.
Whether it is difficult or not, I am here for this and for the other, for this and for ail cases. The important thing is to give useful results for the protagonists and the participants in this or that undertaking and as far as it concerns me, I have the ambition to bring the best and most spectacular ones.
For not being wordy, 1 tell you that communism (in two words it means to me: the system that will handle everything in common and for the common good) represents the most perfect political system. In my opinion, communism means simplicity and simplification, it means saving. Saving of money, saving of time, limitation of bureaucracy, avoidance of keeping personal data or accounts -things that need a lot of bureaucrats for their fulfillment- and massive right use of all the living and non-living dynamic for the creation of the best conditions of survival, work, physical exercise, entertainment and alimony of the citizens.
If you think that it is possible the most perfect political system to be fulfilled and to function perfectly from the first or the second attempt, then probably you are mistaken. And if you think that one or two failed attempts are enough for a political system to be judged, then maybe you are mistaken again.
1 wish everything could succeed with the first attempt or even with the second one, but unfortunately the world history teaches us how difficult this is. If you like, go back to the history of the spirit and the science pioneers and you will find out how many efforts were needed for the achievement of even a small aim.
Allow me to say that the aspect that communism is a failed in advance political system is a superficial and naive aspect. If furthermore, it is spread by the “fighters” of the other political systems so as to advertise the system they represent and to present it as the only right or the only attainable one, then this is a malevolent aspect.
By the way, isn’t the state as a state a communistic concoction? These people who suggest the abolishment of the communism, why don’t they suggest the abolishment of the state too? Is that because it is to one’s advantage the existence of the state because this secures the income and the privileges of the political and state leaders? Why don’t they abolish it and why don’t they give everything to the “jungle” of the other political system so as to be able to see it in all its grandeur?
What did this political system achieve after all, as to make us accept it and not to look for another one? What it brought is obvious: it brought chaos, the absolute chaos. It brought anarchy, incoherence, agony and fear and ugliness. It brought insatiability, hunger, poverty, exploitation and fraud. It brought us illnesses, it brought corruption and destruction to whatever it touched, for the earth and for mankind.
What do I suggest to you instead? 1 suggest to you the order and the well-order,
I suggest to you beauty and measure. I suggest to you symmetry and harmony, geometry and mathematics. I suggest a rational and well-balanced system of producing goods, of production and of consumption. I suggest a system that will satisfy all the main needs of all human beings for food, work, shelter, clothing, education, exercise, health, safety, happiness and love. I suggest a state and a system where everybody will be participant and not only the 20% or the 30% or the 40%. A system where everybody will be equal in food, work, shelter, clothing matters etc. I suggest a system where everybody will pass through all vivid activities and procedures equally and by turns, a system where everybody will participate to the easy and to the difficult muscular tasks equally and by turns, within the limits of a specific program that the city will specify in advance and that -with some imperceptible changes- will be the same for everybody. I suggest a system where people will be useful and productive everyday, a system where people will offer their services to the city from the first day they can offer until the last. I suggest a system that will create and conserve workers and not drones.
And to make it clearer; I suggest a system where the citizen will offer his services to the city for free and the city will satisfy all his needs (food, shelter, work, exercise, etc.) again for free.
So if you want to know about the working policy of this system, I will tell you; I suggest a system where the citizen will offer his services to the city for free and the city will satisfy ail his needs, again for free.
If you want to know about the sanitary policy of my system 1 will tell you; I suggest a system where the citizen will offer his services to the city for free and the city will satisfy all his needs, again for free.
If you want to know about the insurance policy of my system 1 will tell you the same thing: l suggest a system where the citizen will offer his services to the city for free and the city will satisfy all his needs, again for free.
If you want to know about the pension policy, for the agricultural policy, for the housing policy, for the athletic policy, for the sexual policy and for everything unexceptionally, the answer will be again the same; I suggest a system where the citizen will offer his services to the city for free and the city will satisfy all his needs, again for free.
human beings are more or less the same. What the city should do is to pose simply the mechanisms so as to have its citizens’ services anytime it needs them and the citizen to have the city’s services anytime he needs them. What’s easier than this? What’s simplier than this, what’s more convenient than this and what’s more economic than this? How many goods would come with such a system and how many bad things would be avoided, it is needless to say.
What it makes it difficult is probably something bad, suspicious and unworthy and this is the self-interest, the narrow-headed persons, the mistrust against any new pioneered suggestions, it is the envy of the powerful against the pioneers, it is the vanity of selfish people, the incapability of the leaders to look over their nose, the attaching to the tradition, the dishonesty and the hypocrisy of the privileged of the existing system, it’s all these together, things that more or less compose a plague, a disease for the society and an insuperable obstacle for those who will dare to go further from the known and existing limits.
Whoever knows more or less the humane history they will also know that the story 1 said to you is more a film in repetition rather than a new story, even if in it people with different names in different places have the main roles. In reality it is the same drama that is repeated every time a pioneer is shown up in the proscenium. What if we live in the 21st century and what if we are in Europe? It wasn’t in Europe where the biggest crimes have occurred? What does'prevent them not happening now?
I wonder if any European distinguished person will be touched if he learns about my story and will try to help me. I wish he did, I hope he did, but I am afraid that he would do the same if he was at the Cypriots leaders’ place. He would step on me as if I were a worm, if he saw that with the success of my suggestions all his privileges and rights would be violated and he would look forward to cleaning everything for my traces on the ground not to be noticeable.
What Europe and non-Europe? What I know is that these that have done to me before entering in Europe, they do them and after we entered in Europe, without anyone “to know” and do anything.
However, I owe to try; i owe to try with the Europeans. And if the Europeans want to show that they are Europeans, let them show it to me and if they are human beings or even humanists, let them show it to me too and I will see it.
In any case, for not dispersing my subject here and there, I was saying that the system I suggest for the people is this. It’s obvious that it is new, that it is a threat to the old system, to the old constitutions and to the old customs. It’s also obvious that it is not a simple threat but a fatal threat to the system, to the constitutions and to the customs as well as to the privileged and to the leaders. It’s obvious and I emphasize at every opportunity that I suggest a new system; I suggest new constitutions and new customs. I suggest a new world, a new human being, a new religion, even a new God!
Didn’t I have the right to do it? Didn’t I have the right to suggest new constitutions and new customs or didn’t the Greek-Cypriots have the right to accept and vote for new constitutions and new customs? Or do you judge that they have the right to vote for them and their vote to be acceptable only if the privileges and the rights of the leaders are not threatened and that they don’t have the right to vote for them and their vote not to be acceptable if the privileges are threatened?
I asked the political leaders in Cyprus this question but no one gave me an answer based on valid arguments. It was easier for them to give an answer by falsifying the popular will.
Is there a possibility for you to answer me with an argument? Will someone give me an answer? Will you tell me why nobody cares for the fact that a European country elects and promotes presidents of the minority? Will you tell me why nobody cares to search this matter? Am I such a big threat to all of you? Do you see that the foundations of the system that showed you and gave you name, wealth, and glory and to me ashes, are so much threatened?
And why is that so? My only ambition was to help people, to benefit and to save people and the world and this I will not allow to anybody to dispute. I tried, I fought and I sacrificed almost everything to give a direction to a vision that asks to benefit everybody and everything.
What did I find instead? Falsification after falsification, fraud after fraud, lie after lie, humiliation after humiliation; and these go on for a decade now. And who is going to stop all these?
My friends, this is my story. Listen to it and believe it because it is a real story. It is as real as I am and as my vision is for the human beings and for the world. From now and then if you want and if you can, help, so as justice to prevail.
Even if you search it a little on the surface, you will learn who tells the truth and who lies, who is the real president of the Greek-Cypriots and who the faked one, who is the real and who the false, who is the president of the people and who is the president of the parties’ leaders, who is the legal and who is the illegal one.
However, let’s suppose that my official percentage is the real one {the 0.24% and not the 72.8% that I claim). Let’s suppose that 1 am really misinformed or badly informed or that I am crazy, a lunatic and paranoid. Let’s suppose that l am a false- prophet or even the Antichrist. Am I a political “crook”? But am I really? I am not?
What can I tell you? Am I a person who didn’t manage to deceive his fellow-citizens with his tricks and take the authority to do only God knows what, and now is looking for suckers to foreign countries? Am I really? I am not? Who am I anyway?
I think that the best you can do is to see me and judge me from the suggestions I present to you and suggest to you, even if you suspect that these are the suggestions of a false-prophet or a lunatic.
See the city plan I’ve made. Is this a lunatics’ plan or a reasonable person’s plan? Is this a plan of a foolish or a prudent person? Because this is the city I suggest.
1 suggest, yes, new cities, cities with order, shape and full planning before the first stone is built. What you already have, are ugly, in disorder, chaotic and extravagant, very extravagant for the people and for the environment. Their function is not advantageous for the people and for the environment and maybe they are not advantageous even for being drown with the ground.
I suggest cities where cars won’t circulate and almost everything will be done with muscular means. 1 suggest cities where people will go to their jobs by using muscular means and they will return at their home by using muscular means. I suggest cities where people wili go to the country by using muscular means and they will return to the city by using muscular means. I suggest cities where the buildings and the streets will be illuminated with natural means, cities that contaminate nature the least possible. The suggestions and my plan can save your environment. At least save it, if you don’t want you to be saved.
Please, see this plan. Is this a lunatics’ plan? See it. Put it under the microscope, check every detail and put, if you like, architects and mathematicians and political engineers and town-planners to check it and tell you their opinion. Ask ecologists and environmental people to check it too and to teli you their opinion too. Is this a lunatics’ plan or a wise person’s plan? Is it a politically irrelevant person’s plan or a political scientist’s plan even, if he doesn’t have any certificate or diploma of political sciences, or of architecture, or of political engineering or any other diploma? Ask them; is it a lunatics’ plan or a dreamer’s plan?
But, come on now. Is it possible to pass through your mind such a thought? I think that all your mathematicians and all your architects and all your town-planners - and you too- ought to bow in front of this plan and to do their best to eliminate the city chaos that reigns to your world. They can even ask for my help in everything they need and 1 will offer it to them.
However, can I expect such a reaction and such a behavior from these people? Will envy allow them to recognize a better plan than theirs? Will envy allow them to recognize a talent or a mind better than theirs?
See what I have done. I’ve given the best city plan ever captured by a human mind, I’ve given a plan that humanity spent thousands and millions years till it comes, a plan in front of which ail must bow, a plan that all alive beings of this world need and due to the envy and the vanity of my powerful fellow-citizens ended to be a plan of fantasy rather than a plan of action.
However, the plan remains. It is still alive, it is at your disposal and on your table and it depends on you, whether you will ignore it or not, whether you will despise it or bury it, or on the contrary, whether you will take notice of it, or you will promote it and you will fulfill it.
See also my plan for the country. Is this also a lunatics’ plan? Ask here too for your mathematicians’ opinion, your town-planners’ opinion but also the agriculturists’ opinion, the farmers’, the stock-breeders’ and everybody's opinion. See with what order 1 surrounded the city. Are 240.000 the citizens of this city-state? I divided the country to 240.000 (...) pieces. All can perfectly function. A movement of the magic stick is enough and harmony can replace chaos. A decision of the powerful people and all can start from the beginning, in a right way, nicely from the beginning.
After, see my plan for health and physical exercise. See how it is harmonized with my plan for the city and for the country, as if it is made to function inside this specific place and nowhere else. And really it is so.
Believe me; I didn’t work on one plan separately from the other. No. I did a parallel work. The one helped me to complete the other and the other way around, and I spent 20 years to end it like this.
What is the final conclusion that my study and my experiment gave to me? It is this: that the human being is made according to a mathematical design to do certain things at a certain time, for certain duration, with a certain speed and in certain doses. As far as he does all these things he makes himself happy and healthy and as far as he doesn’t do all these, he makes himself unhappy and unhealthy.
See it as you like, check it, look into it, test it personally and let all the instructors, all the coaches and all the athletes, to test it too. If you are honest yourself then you wili learn that this plan is as valuable for the mankind as a biological being as my town-planning is for him as a social being. See only the one part of it -the moving part, let’s say; swimming, running, walking- and you will see that it is not enough. Due to this you can avoid some heavy complications of the heart, of the stomach, of the head, etc. but I tell you that if you don’t complete your moving exercise or task with the relevant static exercise or task, then you will lose the biggest part of pleasure that exercise gives when it is complete.
What are the city and the country in this plan? They are exactly the place that can help this plan to function in an almost automatic way, in four phases.
First phase (4 days duration): living in the country with hard work and exercise. Few (6), long duration {60 minutes) and alternated, always, doses of exercise and work (3 in land and 3 in water) every 3 hours. Pius the relevant static work (it will be valid to all phases). The muscles are tired and this is how it should be done.
Second phase (3 days duration): living in the city’s 3rd residential zone. The doses of exercise become more (12), are shorter (30 minutes) and less intense, every 1 ? hour. We disperse our efforts. The muscles get into a relaxing phase and this is how it should be done.
Third phase (2 days duration): living in the city’s 2nd residential zone, closer to the center, (note that the distance of every zone from the center is not irrelevant. On the contrary. Likewise the distance of every zone in the country from the stock- breeding and handicrafts zones is important. All distances have a specific, muscular reason) .The doses of exercise are further increased (18), are shorter (20 minutes) and less intense (running is not allowed, the speeds are low) every 1 hour. We disperse more our efforts and we relax more.
Fourth phase (1 day duration): living in the city’s 1st residential zone, almost in the city center with even more (36), shorter (10 minutes) and less intense doses of movement, every 1/2 hour. Complete disperse and relaxing. The muscles are completely relaxed. They are new, renovated and rejuvenated and ready again for the 1st phase, always to a 10days circle, thing that means that in my system the week will be abolished as an itinerary point of work and exercise.
See and test this plan. I developed it by experimenting and I don’t think that you have another way to learn whether it is good or not but the experiment and the test.
Next, let me introduce my suggestions for free love, the matriarchy and the good-seed selection. Consider them and think what the advantages would be for the human race if the women chose the best, in any aspect, men to make children with. How much nicer would be people in 20, in 30 or in 40 years!
1 wonder if with this plan I violate the rights of the ugly and stupid persons by not letting them have the possibility to have descendants.
What to say to you? Maybe l do. 1 see things this way and l pose to you the question: is it right, ugly, mentally incapable and undesirable people to exist for ever? You, as a father, or as a mother, wouldn’t you like to give to the world a beautiful, clever, capable and desirable in any aspect, child? Then, would you suggest to your daughter to have a child (a grandchild for you) with an ugly and spiritually poor person, when it is easy for her to have children with a handsome and spiritually rich person? What would you do?
That’s why I tell you: let women chose the father of their child without having the obligation to live together with him. It is them who will carry the baby for nine months so let’s do them a favor. It doesn’t cost us anything. I believe that women are endowed with a good taste and they will make the right choices.
To be all perfect with the first generation, maybe it is difficult, but all will get better. In due time, everybody will play his or her role better, as men or women respectively. Personally l don’t see another way to embellish the human race. However, let them make love with everybody, but they should make children with the handsome men.
What do you say? Don’t you think that this would give the motive to men to try to be more handsome and gentler against the women to earn together with their favor, the privilege to be the fathers of their children?
What advantages this would give to the society, cannot be said. As far as my suggestion is concerned for reducing the limit of sexual adultness, then, it seems to me that if you are an alive and capable person, man or woman, then I think that you should immediately start to hurray. Or am I mistaken?
Next, let me explain my plan for the New Earth. See how I can really arrange the 240.000 cities-states in it.
Don’t think that it was easy for me to succeed it. No! It had also its difficulties and it needed its time, the most of the time, I can say.
The opinion that this Earth is made to contain 240.000 cities I have already written at least 12 years ago.
How did I conclude to this number? It is simple: when l ended up to the total number of the habitants of a city-state and having the conviction that during the next phase of his plan, God would act strictly mathematically and geometrically, it wasn’t difficult for me to decide how many cities-states he had in his mind for this planet.
The area (square kilometers) of the city-state I planned was taken for granted (2.025 sq. km (45x45 km) as the area of the planet was taken for granted:
- 000 sq. km. 240.000 cities of 2.025 sq. km., give us 486.000.000 sq. km.
- 000 sq. km. are left, that is more or less the extent that the poles of the earth have; the non-habitant area of the planet.
It’s been 12 years since l came to this conclusion. I wrote it, I printed it to some leaflets and I left it.
But to believe that this is the proper arrangement, according to the data, for the New Earth is one subject. The other subject was how on earth I would manage to arrange these 240.000 cities-states in a spherical earth.
What do you think? Would l make the earth square, as I would make its cities square? Would God make it square to do me a favor, so as to fit my plan or would he make it rectangle because the square root of 240.000 wasn’t giving me a complete number? If he would do me a favor, then I think that he would probably make it rectangular since the only way to arrange 240.000 cities on an earth with its poles frozen is to have 600 in length and 400 in height. What on earth he intended to do in the end, I didn’t have it clarified.
In my texts I had already some detachments from old books. From Apocalypses:
New I make everything. Or: and I saw sky new and earth new ...the first sky and the first earth departed... and sea doesn’t yet exist, neither pain nor cry don’t yet exist... And the city, Holly Jerusalem, new I saw coming down from the sky by God... etc. From Plutarch (referring to Isis and Osiris) I had found something from the era of Pyramids: a new era, it is said, will come where Earth will be flat and smooth etc., etc. while I had in mind some images from Koran too: that some day God will rise the mountains as the clouds in the sky and he will throw them into the sea and he will make the earth flat and he wili make it gardens where rivers will flow.
In what conclusion would I come then and what would I think? Would he finally make it flat with the exact meaning of the word from its one end to the other, or would he just make it seem flat and smooth to the human eye, keeping at the same time its spherical shape?
Of course if God wants, he can do both. He can make it function whether it is flat or spherical, or square, or triangular, or rectangular or round. How he would make it was his business and his problem. I have no say.
I’ve been thinking ail these for a long time until at the end I drove to the conclusion that the Earth would remain spherical. It would seem to us that it would be fiat, but in reality its shape would remain spherical. As far as I know, the sphere is a steady shape for the planets in the universe and this would be valid for the New Earth too, as it was valid for the Old Earth. What it would change it would be only its surface.
The enigma was remaining for me all these years: how could l arrange the 240.000 cities in a spherical Earth? I had clear in my mind “how many” but I didn’t have clear “how”. I left it for years so as to be mature inside me but in reality I left it -I guess- because I was afraid of it. Let’s say that I was finding it difficult.
As the years passed by, I decided that this subject must be over. Someone else to do it for me and to take me out of this trouble there was no way, so this subject became a personal matter to me.
A first attempt to close the subject I did a few months ago. New designs started to enter in my papers. Circles replace slowly-slowly squares and soon spheres invaded in my house.
A new election period was coming to my country and this was giving me the motive to finish the soonest possible. When I was getting involved I had already a clearer image of the subject. I left it for a while due to my pre-election campaign, but the obligation to close the subject soon never slipped from my mind.
I have already told you how my last election fight progressed and how it ended. The losers won and the winner lost; the same old story.
When it was over and 1 returned home, I returned determined that I couldn’t let this subject open for long. Together with this decision, I took the decision to go personally to Europe and say personally my story. And where in Europe would I go?
I would go to the centers of power, in Brussels and Strasbourg. I would go to mother-Greece too, to the powerful people and to the power. I wanted to tell them the whole story, my whole complaint and the whole truth for everything my fellow- citizens did to me for five consecutive elections.
This decision to go to Europe gave me the motive to close my last subject the soonest possible. I considered that I ought to go there having this subject closed first, having conquered this subject too and being armed with a new weapon.
On the one hand I had my city as a weapon until now, a very strong weapon indeed, but on the other hand I believed that the presentation of a new weapon would make them realize better with whom they deal with and pay attention and believe my story.
Since my last election adventure was over 21/2 months passed until the day that I write this text. What did I succeed until now? I believe that l succeeded something even if I don’t consider that the whole operation is completed.
Did it take me more time than I expected from the beginning? Yes it did. It took twice, maybe three times as long.
Did I make mistakes during the process of my operation? Of course I did. For who tries to find or to do something new, this is inevitable. It is, let’s say, part of the game but I was here to find them and correct them.
Generally l believe that I did well. I solved all the technical problems l found in front of me and I went on. Some defects you may of course see in my designs if you like to put them under the microscope but this was inevitable too, since the means I used, were, in a way, primitive and impromptu. Nevertheless, I think that with these and those designs I succeed to show to you that this plan for the arrangement of the 240.000 cities-states in a spherical earth is and possible and realizable.
First, I divided the spheres on which I worked, to 36 zones of cities-states -18 for the north and 18 for the south hemisphere. Next I made an arrangement in city- teams (10x10). You can see on the sphere how I count 2.400 “squares” of 100 cities each (1.200 for the north and 1.200 for the south hemisphere)?
While with this arrangement there are no problems for the city zones near the Equator, there are problems for the city zones closer to the poles if I insist on the arrangement in teams. If I want to have in a line 10 vertical to the Equinoctial cities at the small zones, then, because the zone gets narrower to one point and gets wider to the other, the cities will be narrower respectively. And although this narrowing won’t affect the residential zones of the country, it will affect a part of agricultural extent, which means that a part of the residency will lose the direct contact with the necessary vital agricultural place. Instead of putting mechanisms so as to move these people to a far point of the country, I judge that it is wiser to abandon the plan of the arrangement in teams and to adopt the plan of the arrangement in cities, where all the cities remain as a whole -as stamp on the Earth- so it’s not necessary any pointless moving of people to this or to that point of the country.
This arrangement in cities I cannot polish up on the size of the spheres I worked on for the arrangement in teams. I need a bigger sphere for this, a sphere with one, two, or more meters diameter which will cost me time and money and for this reason I decided to leave it for later. An arrangement in cities in papers, I already tried it and I see that I am near to my target. Under certain presuppositions I can find 50, 100 or 150 cities more than the 240.000 and under other presuppositions I can find 50, 100 or 150 cities less than the 240.000, but generally speaking l am in the target. It doesn’t worry me. With a little more effort and persistence it will permanently close.
Even without this final closure I think that I have already made it clear for you that this planet has been made according to a mathematical and geometrical design so as to contain a specific number of cities with specific dimensions and with a specific number of inhabitants.
If you get to trouble and multiply 240.000 cities times’ 240.000 inhabitants, then you will find a population of 57.600.000.000 inhabitants.
Now, you will say to me: where will be all these people found since we are now more or less only And if they are found, where shall we put them to live? We are already many.
Yes! You are right, but don’t forget that l am talking about a New Earth, for an Earth without seas, without mountains and without deserts. I am talking about a wide and fertile plain that will be spread to the whole Earth -except from the poles- a vast plain that will be traversed by hundreds rivers that will start from the one side of the Earth and wili end to the other. Such an Earth I am talking about and this I design.
Nevertheless, your question about where the rest of 50(...) billions of people will be found to live in the New Earth remains. The answer is this: these 50 billions will be the people who lived on Earth before and have died and that specific day they will rise and live with us on the New Earth. Whoever said and promised a New Earth, he promised the resurrection of the dead too. I don’t argue. I take if for granted. Our life doesn’t end with the death. It may stop for a period of time, long for the past generations and short for the new ones, but it is on hold for a new beginning.
I put it this way: if there is God, everything is possible. And whether he exists or not I think that I prove it to you in a mathematical and geometrical way. God
exists and has plans for this Earth, he has an eye and watches this Earth; he has a system that writes down every single movement, every act and every thought of every human being that exists and breaths in this world.
When wili he at last, reveal his plan? What to say? For whom that wanted to learn or to listen the indications for his intentions existed for such a long time and were disposable to everybody, anytime.
With me, let’s say that you have the proofs; mathematical and geometrical proofs.
Do not have any doubts whether God will keep his promise. He definitely will. The New Earth wili be soon the first big reality and the resurrection of the dead the second one.
Don’t you have a person of your own, a relative, who has passed away, a father, a mother, a grandfather, a grandmother, a child, a brother or a friend whom you want to see coming out of the ground beautiful and strong, “wearing” his most glamorous youth, to live with you again from the beginning to the New Earth, without any illnesses, without any pain and without death?
If yes, then I consider that I bring you a joyful message, a message that it’s worth spreading to the whole world.
When and under what presuppositions the New Earth and the New Life will be given to people? Will they be given as a punishment or as a reward to the human race?
I’m asking you to be at the place of the person who can give the one and the other whenever and how he wants to and the punishment and the reward. Let’s see what the human being did and still does for other human beings on the Earth or what does he do for the Earth itself? Does he show love and respect for other human beings or even a little mercy or a little compassion? Does he show love and respect for nature?
It seems to me that neither of that happens. No respect for the human being and no respect for nature. Neither the United Nations can save mankind nor can efforts to protect the environment save nature. Thousands of people die every day due to lack of water, lack of food or lack of exercise. Hideous and chaotic cities inundate the Earth from one side to the other. Nature and environment are slaughtered for the favor of the development points. Anarchic building everywhere, anarchic work, anarchic production of goods, adulterated feelings, adulterated food, adulterated bodies, adulterated life, adulterated people, adulterated souis, all are adulterated, all are left to luck and in the air.
What do you think that human race deserves for this situation? And mostly: what do the powerful people deserve; punishment or reward? I think that the first one would deserve them. Unfortunately, as human beings, we didn’t do anything special to deserve the second one.
Come at his place. Would you reward your child when you see that it destroys what you gave to it or would you reward your child when you see that it is trying to do the best possible for this? If you think that there is logic to God’s plan and if God’s logic is by likeness and by image of the human logic, then how would you act? Even if we suppose that the reward is the only thought to the divine plan for the human being, I don’t think that he would offer it to us finally if he doesn’t see first that we really try for the best. I have the impression that he waits something from us to do it finally, otherwise he will postpone his plan for a vague time. He needs an excuse to do it. And this excuse only alive people can give to him. If he doesn’t have it he will leave his plan for later.
What is this excuse? I told you something before about this: God must see that we are doing our best for the Earth he offered to us and for the human beings who exist together with us on this Earth. We must help the Earth and the human being. We must save the Earth and the human being. We must respect the Earth, we must protect nature, we must make our place nicer than we found it, we must make the air more fresh than we found it and at the same time to do the impossible possible to feed the hungry people, to cloth the people dressed in rugs, to shelter the homeless, to cure the ill people and to make happy the unhappy people.
Maybe this Earth is not so friendly for the human beings and maybe many of their sufferings are due to the unfriendly activities of this Earth, but we could, as a human race, to succeed in our aim.
Do you think that God, who sees and writes down everything, wouldn’t see this? Do you think that he wouldn’t be touched by this and wouldn’t he react to this?
Be careful though because I think it is not enough for him to reward us with a New Earth or maybe I would say, that it may be enough to reward us with a New Earth but not with a built New Earth. 1 wish he would give us the New Earth, even non- built, with the only excuse that we fed the hungry people of this world, that we sheltered the homeless and we protected the environment. It would be something but I personally believe that human being can look forward to achieving more if he decides to do something more than this.
What would this “more” be? To rebuild the old Earth according to a plan that will respect human being and nature, to build cities that function in a way that they respect the human being and nature.
The city plan is already at your disposal. The plan is the same for all cities, for all countries and for all continents. I need a map and I will show to you how many cities you must build in Europe, how many in Asia, how many in Africa, how many in Australia and how many in America. Already, some designs I consider that maybe you have already in your hands. I believe that with these I give you an idea of how I intend to handle the subject.
First, I need if possible, a flat area of 20 square kilometers for the city (20.25 square kilometers actually) and two or, maybe, three, four, five or more thousands square kilometers if large parts of the terrain is not useable. Next to this I will do the same and next to this again the same or similar, until the whole planet is covered and functioning according to this plan.
I want to believe that it is God’s will to see this happen before he decides to give to the human being an Earth new and built. I remind you of his word: everything good we do, he wili give it back to us a hundred times. Think about it and see that it is possible to work out. How many cities can according to the existing cultivable land be viable on this old Earth; 20, 25, 30 or 40 thousands? I suggest 24.000 to 30.000 cities {9.500-12.000 for Asia, 6.000-7.500 for America, 5.000-6.000 for Africa, 3.000-3.500 for Europe and 500-1.000 for Australia). On the New Earth there will be 240.000 cities. This means a ratio of 1 in 10 or 1 in 8. Let it be 1 in 8 in the end. Let him give them to us in this ratio and we will still be satisfied.
By the way I remind you of the Apocalypses: and l saw the city, Holly Jerusalem, coming down from the sky etc. etc.
What do you think? Doesn’t God who made the universe and made it function in a perfect ecological way, know a way to create 240.000 cities and put them on the New Earth that he will build?
Of course he does. It’s up to him to do it whenever he wants to. However, the point is not what God can do, but what the people can do. Let us understand that and act accordingly, and as for what God must do, he will do it when we show to him that we deserve it.
Be careful though. Pay attention to the perspective and the possibility l show you.
I propose the perspective of a new and built earth, the perspective of a new life and the perspective of a new human being. If we suppose that the fulfillment of this perspective depends on you, then what do you think that you must decide and how do you think you must go on?
You have two perspectives to choose from; on the one side you have the Old Earth, an Earth deficient, irregular in the ground and climatically unsteady, inhospitable in many places, hostile now and then, with large ranges of mountains and deserts and elsewhere large areas covered by oceans. In many places there are floods, tsunamis, earthquakes and droughts, heat and cold. The temperate and friendly areas for human beings are few and these are already threatened by the unreasonable human intervention in nature. The perspectives for this Earth are rather inauspicious. The bad gets worse from one day to the next, but there is not a world strategy to save the environment. All those who really care and can contribute to a solution don’t have any power and l, who suggested the best solution, behold, see what I suffered by the leaders of my country.
The perspective to destroy this planet is open in front of us and the perspective to go and live on another planet is closed. The only hopeful perspective is the one I offer to you and you better take it into serious consideration. Let’s say that this perspective is a one-way street for the human race and for its place. I don’t see any other choice and any other way out. This perspective is a joyful one for the human being, yes, but as I told you before we must do something to deserve it.
What is the perspective that I offer and what am 1 trying to convince you that it is worth having a go at? This is it. Read it and then close your eyes and imagine it. Imagine a New Earth, a perfect in shape and arrangement Earth, a smooth Earth, friendly and hospitable for the human being in all its extent. Imagine a vast and fertile plain with sweet waters everywhere, disposable for drinking and swimming and watering the earth, an Earth with mild temperature, acceptable for the human skin, with beautiful and functional cities, with beautiful and functional buildings, imagine an Earth decorated with beautiful, healthy, happy and erotic people, people full of life and feelings, people friendly and compassionate, willing to do good to you than to hurt you. Imagine an Earth and a human being without illnesses, without troubles, without hunger, without poverty, without old age and without death. Imagine a vast garden of terrestrial enjoyments, an ecological, a working, a healthy, a dietetic and erotic paradise. Imagine an internal spring, a peace and an internal peace and happiness
What do you think? Is it worth doing something about it? Is it worth trying? If you think it’s worth it, then pay attention to me. I told you who I am and what my personal story is. I told you: I am a citizen of Cyprus, of a small country- member of the European Community. I was a candidate for the presidency of my country in 2003 and in 2008. I got almost 73% of the votes in both elections, but due to the intervention of the political leaders of my country the results were completely falsified. i told you that they used as pretence that I was a threat to the constitutions, although what everybody knows is that l was rather a threat to their financial privileges and to their political future than to the constitutions. I was of course a threat to the constitutions but I don’t think they cared for this.
I started my political struggle having the intention and the ambition to benefit everybody in every way I knew. I had the ambition to be the people’s best friend, their best benefactor and guard, but my opponents saw me as their worst enemy. Undoubtedly they were driven to this conclusion by a disastrous passion and this passion exists in all democracies. This passion is the envy and it is the most notorious passion among people.
Believe me: I didn’t do anything till now without seeing it in front of my eyes. For so many years I advertised in my country the most beautiful vision, I advertised the best political plan and program that ever existed. I am the most popular politician and still I couldn’t have a political post.
1 know that for anonymous people 1 am the leader and the president and people show it to me every time they meet me. So what am l for you? Will you pay attention to me when I have no name and no post? Will you pay attention to me when 1 am an insignificant person.
So as what kind of person do I present myself to you: as a president and prophet under persecution in the 21st century A.D. or as a visioner who seeks a place and people for his vision? Do you see me as a dreamer or as a maniac? However you see me, consider that I come as a friend. Accept me at least as a friend, if you don’t accept me as a president. Accept me as a human being who brings only friendly suggestions to you. Don’t look at me as an enemy. Even if I weaken your passion which is common in human beings and democracies, pay attention to me just a little. I don’t see myself as a threat to your political position, even if possibly I am a threat to the existing values and priorities of the European Community.
Most important is that you accept or at least pay attention to my suggestions. Even if I personally provoke your dislike or your despise (maybe for what I wear on my head or how I dress), I want you to consider my suggestions carefully. Think about them. Whatever you think of me, I want you to listen to my suggestions. Mostly I want you to ask yourselves whether they could be useful to you. See all my designs, as l told you, ask for the opinion of your wise persons and of your scientists and of your experts and if they convince you that they are right and for your own interest and for your people’s interest, then keep them and leave me behind.
If you don’t want me as a president and you prefer to put me aside, if you find me bad, shifty and selfish, if you find me disgusting or horrible (I don’t know. Maybe when you see me, you see something different from what I see in front of the mirror or in my photos. Maybe you see a monster or a snake. I don’t know what’s happening but I think that I seem to be an accessible, sweet, good, sympathetic and lovable person or am I mistaken?) and if, I continue, you find me hooligan or rebel who threatens to destroy the existing order, or even you are afraid that somebody will steal your performance or that people will look and pay attention to somebody else more than you, then put me aside and in obscurity, provided that you accept my suggestions.
If you think that my appearance on the political stage of Europe wili harm you, then leave me behind the scenes, provided that you accept my suggestions. I am more interested in them rather than my reputation. I have made my priorities and needs clear.
These priorities and these needs cannot be satisfied neither by the reputation nor by the show, but by a systematic exercise and by one, I repeat, cared system of good habits, a system that when you succeed it makes you feel president and king and God and which with these and those political fights I look forward to making it accessible to all. What honestly I want is to make my fellow-citizens to feel that without being anything they are somebody and something.
Well, look at my suggestions and my vision for mankind and for the world. Look at them and not me because most likely envy will not allow you to see me as I deserve it. Because definitely I am - and I will always be - a fatal threat to every human being in this world who has any political ambition. Unfortunately for some people, I have big ambitions and these are not new. Since my adolescence I declared that I had the ambition to overshadow with my work all big men of History and not just the presidents or the prime ministers of this or that country or continent.
But is it possible to separate me from my vision and my ambitions? If it is possible, I would do it, but it seems to me that it is impossible. Whether it is good or bad, we have only one self and as I say, through this seif we live, we exist, we think, we fight, we love or are loved, we win or be defeated. 1 cannot change it. So please tolerate me.
However, my friends, do you think that it is right to envy me or to put me aside because I have ambitions? Wouldn’t it be wiser to check first what suggestions I have, if they can function for the good of human beings and if they have the intention to hurt or to benefit human beings and the environment? This you must see.
Tell me: am I right or not? Am l a reasonable person or do I talk nonsense, do I exaggerate or do 1 get carried away?
What can I tell you? I’ll tell you this: I think that you should requisite me here and now so as the vision I presented to you to be fulfilled, even if I am not the real president of a European country and even if I am not even a European citizen.
See what managements and coaches of football teams or basket ball teams do, when they find out a talent. Whether this talent is from Africa, or from America, or it is yellow, or black, they will do anything to have its services. And for what goal are they struggling? Their goal is to win a championship, a cup or even a double.
Think what you would succeed with a vision like mine and a servant like me. The benefits and advantages for the human race and for the world would be countless.
That’s why I tell you: you must requisition me here and now. You must call for my services here and now even if 1 insist on not wanting a salary. Because 1 am in a mood to offer my services for free. What I did until now for all human beings I didn’t do it to sell it but to offer it as a gift.
I strove hard for so many years to create this vision and to present it to my fellow beings, did I earn any money? On the contrary. I was always giving everything I had, so as to keep this vision alive and see it growing, being mature and moving on. What did I get? I got nothing!
What did I get all these years from this story? I experienced only defeats and humiliations because my powerful fellow citizens wanted it this way. Do you have something better for me?
Maybe I have a good name and a good reputation among anonymous people, but this is not enough for me, because I don’t want to impose my name but my vision. I want to impose a vision that will benefit continuously the human beings and the world every hour and every minute. 1 want to impose a vision that will touch and direct everything and everybody for ever. I want, if you like, to promote a vision that will benefit those who love me, and those who will love me when they find out about me and my fight. I want to promote a vision the main point of which wili be love, order and beauty and nothing else.
This is who I am, this is my vision and this is my story. Do you think that this story and this vision are a lunatics’ story and vision? If yes, then you better suggest to Mr. Christofias to put me into his crazy houses and not let me loose on Europe to sell stories and fairy tales. Mr. Klirides and Mr. Papadopoulos have already tried to do this unsuccessfully. Bear this in mind.
And if not, if however you believe that this is the story of a thoughtful person, then pay attention to me and help me, if you can. Don’t forget that I came to you as the best friend you could ever find, as the best benefactor you could ever find, as the best assistant and servant, as the best advisor, and the best leader you could ever find for you and for your friends and for your children and for your grandchildren and for the nations of Europe and for the nations all over the world.
Do you have something to tell me? I am here. If 1 cannot meet you in person, I can be contacted at the following address:
Costas Kyriacou (Outopos) ,P. C.: 8879, Makounta, Paphos, Cyprus,
Tel.: 00357 99 561 898 - 00357 26 322 334.
I close by reminding you that an old objective of mine still remains: that is to claim the post of the General Secretary of the United Nations, if you are interested in this goal of mine and if you think that I could be useful to the world and to mankind, I am here!
Sincerely yours Outopos.
P o s t s c r i p t: at the last elections for the European Parliament (at June of 2009)
I was also a candidate. The fraction ,and l mean the real fraction, I took from the people was not different than the elections before and I conclude it from two informations.
The first came from a policeman who took it from a journalist and it was that the exit-polls at Limassol gave to me the 68%, or: the 69% from the periphery and the 67% from the city of Limassol.
The second came from a Greek journalist who got in the place where the ballot- boxes, and I mean the real ballot boxes, were guarded and he opened two of them.
At the first I had, as he told me, the 73.5% of the votes and at the second, he said, was taken out the part of the ballot with my candidacy as if I was not a candidate at all. In mind.
All these informations didn’t give me of course something 1 didn’t know in a way or something I didn’t expect. On the contrary.
I knew that another one time the people would give me the majority of the votes
and that another one time the people in power would change the will and the vote of the people. I had no doubts neither for the one nor for the other, neither for the real nor for the falsified result. This time I was better than any time before prepared and almost gave up, and if 1 put down finally my candidacy I didn’t do it but to have one more reason to tell you this story...
Always: Outopos
October 1996, Cyprus
Dear friends, my intention to claim the seat of the General Secretary of the United Nations is not anything new in my thoughts and in my declarations but let’s say that now is the time to put it in front of these people who will soon decide to whom they will trust this seat.
Until now I have not shown any succesfull puplic activity, neither in my own country nor in foreign countries and l still am and remain a man without name.
The only things I could therefore present to convince you are nothing more than the same things I presented also to my compatriots and these are my thoughts and arguments, my aims and my whole plan for the ruling of the New Earth.
What l am aiming for I have already made clear to Cypriots a long time ago but no one showed a lasting interest about that.
Anyway, as a Cypriot (and surely a poor Cypriot) l have limited until now my activity to Cyprus1 but the fact is that I consider my activity here as the begining of that activity which would drive me at the Universal fields.
And it would be surely a good omen for my expectations if I started for these universal fields, having before hand some success in Cyprus but, finally, I don’t consider it necessary. I think that it’s enough to state to you my plan and I invite you to judge it based on your own judgement and not based on the judgement of Cypriots.
But, for the continuing, because, as I have said before, my intention to claim this seat and give to it a role worthy of my name and my time is not new and exactly because I have allready tried to inform some people about my intention, I prefer for the time to state my plan to you borrowing a piece from an older text.
So, please, pay attention;11.... I clear it! Don’t think that the axiom "Universal sov
ereignty or death" is less valid for me than what was valid for that Hitler. But for what thing and for what World is done-and written- my own fight don’t forget it. I wrote it allready and I write it again:
First: for one Universai State which wili share with equality the goods and the cares of it without exception to all the people on this Earth.
Second: for one Universal Language (the Greek Language, if you want) and Civilization, which doesn’t mean the abolition of national languages, dialects and culture.
Third: for one Universal Religion where the man will adore with his own life the God and also the ...Deities, with first of all the ... Woman. As / say: we take from the old religions what exactly serves us to build the New Religion of future with the same way we take from the old cities what serves us to build the New City of future. Anything that doesn’t serve us is buried. The deeper the hole so much the better. Etc, etc.
Note 1(p44) Before I finish this book I thought that it would be useful to offer also this last text. I think that it’s indicative of my aims and my expectations and that it would be right to keep that in your mind.
Fourth: for one Universal Law and Justice in front of which all the people will have the same rights (for food, roof, clothes, love etc.) and the same duties (for work, dicipiine etc.).
Fifth: for one Universal Currency (for as far it will be necessary, for it will be part of the purposes of the new authority to abolish money), goods and services which will be bought and sold the same everywhere.
For, further more, New Cities, common for ail the people in the world, on the measure of man, cities in which will not exist any necessity for even one car in them (except if it carries load), motorbike, bicycle, computer or... donkey. Cities, I say and look at the design, with order, form and whole design before the first stone is built, cities which will use the most natural ways for preservation, exploitation and development of man and nature and which will compose the kernel of this Universal system of moral and political order.
Yet: for one regime of "Eugenics" and "Matriarchy", which means that every woman wili be free (and also obliged) to satisfy amorously - and with every... way- many men but she will have the absolute and inalienable right to fertilize the sperm of the most healthy, able and... handsome men and give later her own name to the child. When, besides, the systematic crossing between races and nations would give the best results in this direction. The "architect of the New World" has also and this in mind and he aims to take the proportionate measures so that with this N e w W o r I d come and the corresponding N e w M a n ." Etc, etc.
You will understand, I think, that the intention of a man with such a plan can not be an accidental intention. Ali these aims are placed, 1 repeat, for Outopos as a matter of life or death. Let’s say that he sees his destiny to drive him there and that the margins to escape from this are getting less and less as that determined by the Fate time is approaching.
But, for the continuing again: the fact that a man carries with him in the world a talent and a destiny I don’t expect to be accepted by you as something strange. Either way the civilization owes its existence to the insistence of some men to give an outlet to such talents and destinies.
To accept therefore that 1 also came into this world with a talent and a destiny for me is as a matter of straightness and honesty. And of course it’s difficult for me not to mention it the moment 1 know that I was born for this concrete destiny, I detained myself for it, I fought for it and I still fight for it.
Note it then: not less neither more Outopos considers that he incarnates that Spirit of Truth about which Jesus spoke to his students before he died and which, according to him, will drive the people at every truth and will make known to them the coming events (look at loannis Gospel).
Outopos believes yet that he incarnates that lamb about which, loannis again, wrote in Apocalypse, that, yet, man with the diadems on his head who’s name (his mission and his destiny) no one knows except him, that man from who’s mouth will come out sharp and like a double-edged large sword so that with it knocks down the nations and who, finally, will rule the nations with an iron stick.
Besides Outopos believes that he incarnates that descendant of that Byzantine family about whom the prophets of the Orthodox Church wrote, that man who centralizes on his name the seven "K" and who, according to the relative prophecies, will be sad, brilliant in his appearance, right and charitable. He will be dressed plainly and poorly, he will have a strict look, he will be meek and will have on his ... body some hard swelling(s). And this man will be chosen (by God, according to the prophecy) as the Universal King.
Further more Outopos believes that he is the man who will oblige God (or the Gods. There is no difference. It’s just matter of interpretation) to realize his promises to mankind.
Which are these promises? First: to revive the dead people. Then : to cure all the sick people, give back the youth to the old people and,yet, give to the human race a New Earth and a New Chance.
At what time it will be done I have allready made clear: when we will honour the human name. And more concretely: when we will feed, dress, roof and make happy all the hungry, ail the ragged, all the homeless and all the unfortunate people of this world. Then God will reward us with a New (and built, I hope) Earth and with a New (good and beautiful, I hope too) human.
Look, friends: Outopos doesn’t believe that he is the first who longed for the realization of this vision but let’s say that he believes that he will be the first who will realize it totally and irrevocably.
Let’s say that he feels that he is born and chosen for it. To succeed, namely, what nobody succeded and nobody conceived until now, to give flesh and bones to the dream and make Utopia action and deed, truth and life.
But, I continue: just because I want to estimate that I am the most realist among all the people, so I am obliged to say and emphasize that to succeed to realize this vision I need power, I need total control on all the resources of this planet. I hope then and I wish that my speech (as I have nothing more for the time being) will be enough to convince you to give me this control. Besides have in mind that the sentence "give me power and I will bring you down here the kingdom of the skies" is not less a sentence of mine than what the others before are.
Unfortunately Outopos, as a man who knows well the human nature and the human history, can not give you results based on half measures. So your decision to give to him that total control will be the only sufficient tool to give outlet and validity to his vision.
If therefore you decide for this, then do not concider it as something strange if the vision of Outopos comes and meets with one of those prophecies of Pyramids: there will come a time determined by the Fate* during which Arimanios (the demon of the Bad) will bring on Earth the plague and the hunger and he the same wili be lost and vanished by them. Then the Earth will become level and smooth and the Men happy allready and collingual will all live one and the same life and will all have one and the same goverment. (Ploutarchos: Isis and Osiris).
But, friends, let’s say that with this and that I have given clearly to you my message and my intention. I hope that you will find the time to see and consider it and that you will not allow the routine to bury it. Do not forget that it’s a message which came for men and for the world, a message which came for you and which came,
I stiil hope, in time.
Do not allow to the fact that Outopos is a man without a name to hush it up or put it aside and do not allow it to be considered as something out of reality and perspective just only because the bearers of the system in Cyprus kept it spitefully out of their News.
Outopos calls and asks you to see the substance and the context of his message indepentently from the fact that he who bears it is poor and unknown and inde- pentently from the fact that he is not supported and advertised by his compatriots and by any stronger man or country. And on the point the substance is this: Outopos claims the seat of the General Secretary of the United Nations, a seat on which he aims to give an Effective, Executive and Cosmocratoric role with objective and further, he repeats, purpose to give to all the people on this Earth a share of work, of food, roof and dressing, of Health and Love, of Pleasure and Happiness.
And just to say it in a different way: my purpose is to give the Universal State, one whole, permanent and fertile Peace under the roof of Justice or, if you want, under the roof of one Organization of United Nations. For, note, this exactly is the Organization I aim for very soon to undertake and, dissolving every national army, make it the only armed body on Earth. Then you will see Men. I will then make and you witnesses, participants and stockholders of the Kingdom. Then you will see...
Costas Kyriacou, Outopos
- Here I want to note that I did, indeed, try for Greece and for Israel but also there my try had no perspective.
- The time determined by the Fate is the end of twelve thousands years.
Outopos was bom to parents who were farmers in 1958 (5 of March) in Agios Ermolaos, a small village in the Kyrenia District and he lived there until the Turkish invasion in Cyprus in 1974. After his high school studies and his military service he went to Greece to continue his University studies which he started from the period of his military service as an external student at the Philosophic School Department of Aristotelion University of Thesalloniki. At the end of the third year he stopped his studies and embarked on an adventure in sports which didn’t bring to him any success but gave to him the incentive to create after years of experiments his designs for the city-state and form a plan of health and training which he would call ‘driving license for the human body’.
At July of 1980 he returned at Cyprus. After a short (three months) stay at Agios Neophytos monastery and after one nine-months stay at Lefcosia he returned at the place which accepted his family after the Turkish invasion and from the beginning of 1982 he lives there, at Makounta, a very small Turkish- Cypriot village near Polis Chrysochous, at Pafos’ District.
During his stay in Lefcosia he published a small book in the style of a Diary with the title ‘My fight’, in which he outlined his political intensions and ambitions and which he intented to complete in ten volumes but he didn’t succeeded to publish finally but only a few photocopy or polygraphic copies.
In 1983 he married and he got from that marriage three children but in 1990 he divorced. In 1994 he advanced at the publishing of one new book with the title ‘the portrait of a New Religion’ which he completed the next years with two more volumes. In 2001 he published a Diary and in 2006 a second Diary which was nothing else but an attempt to republish his first book with the title ‘My Fight’ and which he intends to complete with two or three more volumes when his economic situation permits this.
In February of 1993 he attempted to claim for first time the Presidency in Cyprus but he was excluded because of age. In 1998 he attempted again for the Presidency but because of an intrigue he was out of the ballot for one more time.
In 2001 he succeeded for first time to be in the ballot as a candidate member of the Cyprus Parliament. In 2003 he was a candidate president, in 2004 a candidate member of the Europe Parliament, in 2006 again a candidate member of Cyprus Parliament, in 2008 again a candidate president and in 2009 again a candidate member of the European Parliament, he received at all these cases almost the 3/4 of the votes of Greek-Cypriot population but because'of the well organized attempts of vote rigging undertaken by the Cypriots party leaders he never succeeded to be elected.
Part of his next political movements is the claiming of the position of the General Secretary of the United Nations, a position which he aims to use to succeed his further purpose in this world which is not else but the consecration of one Universal State, one Universal Language (the Greek language) and Civilization, one Universal Religion, Law, Justice and Currency, one, finally, Universal regime which will give to all the people on Earth a share of work, food, education, roof and cloths, health and love, pleasure and happiness.
Before I finish this book I thought that it would be useful to offer also this last text. I think that it’s indicative of my aims and my expectations and that it would be right to keep that in your mind.